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November 20, 2020

Connecting With Family This Holiday Season

Holidays are often filled with lots of time spent with family and friends, traveling to and fro, laughter and sometimes tears. We usually look forward to this time with great anticipation. Sometimes we travel many miles with hopes to reconnect with loved ones, make special memories, relax and eat some good food. These are some of life’s special moments.

November 20, 2020

Dealing with Depression During Coronavirus

Loss. Since the onset of the pandemic, this is what most people have been experiencing, even if we have not been able to identify exactly what we are feeling or why.

November 19, 2020

The Holidays, COVID-19, and Caregiving

Age brings wisdom and experience, but it also brings inevitable feelings of loss. Holidays, in general, can be difficult for many older folks and their caregivers. Memories from the past, changes in routine and the challenges and stressors we currently face can create sadness and disappointment. Caregivers are overwhelmed trying to maintain holiday traditions while ensuring their older loved ones' care and safety. Finding the balance between traditions and the reality of what this holiday season will look like is a challenge.    

November 18, 2020

Tips for Fighting Kitchen Burnout

Did you know that your body expects food every day? And not just your body, but also the people with whom you share your kitchen?