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November 25, 2020

Nature Meditation and Haiku Writing Exercise

As we move into the holiday season, many of us tend to spend less time outdoors. We often carry stress in our bodies and feel exhausted from running around and meeting the emotional needs of others, while ignoring our own needs. Worry about the pandemic and the tough decisions we all face this holiday season can add to normal holiday stress. Many of us simply need to recover from nine months of "Zooming." 

November 25, 2020

Substance abuse and the holidays

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season has arrived, looking very different for most everyone this year as compared with years past. While the upcoming holiday season means something different to everyone, what is known is that feelings of stress and overwhelm around family, expectations and financial strain are markedly increased from November through the end of the year.  

November 25, 2020

Coping With Grief During the Holidays

About a year ago I gave the presentation above for the Well-Being Web Series. Now, it is important to acknowledge the grief many are experiencing related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

November 23, 2020

The Holidays, Caregiving and COVID-19: How Will It Be Different?

Age brings wisdom and experience, but it also brings inevitable feelings of loss. Holidays in general can be difficult for many older folks and their caregivers. Memories from the past, changes in routine, and the challenges and stresses we currently face create sadness and disappointment. Caregivers are overwhelmed with fulfilling holiday traditions while maintaining the care and safety of their older loved ones. Finding the balance between past traditions and the reality of what this holiday season will look like is a challenge.