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A connected, caring work community

We’re inspiring more connection with each other and work
We’re committing to diversity, equity and inclusion
We’re donating leave time and money to colleagues in need

Experiencing challenges? HR is here to help! Please contact us.

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November 15, 2020

Navigating Holiday Gatherings During the Pandemic

Holidays are typically a time of gathering, celebration and tradition. They can also be a time of stress, conflict and different needs or expectations. This year, many of us are especially yearning for that comfort and connection with loved ones. But, just as the desire for connection may be more intense, opportunities for conflict may be intensified as well. Communication is key to finding common ground and making a plan that works for you and those you love. The following is intended to help you think through potential obstacles and develop a plan.

October 20, 2020

What to do when you're concerned about changes in an employee's behavior or performance

Employees may occasionally be less productive than usual or may disclose that they're stressed or going through a difficult time in their lives. They might even have a crisis or "meltdown" while at work.

October 19, 2020

Upcoming staff holidays include election day and bonus days

In order to qualify for holiday bonus days this year, an employee must be in a regular position on or before October 25. UK will also recognize Election Day as a university holiday on November 3. If you have any questions about holiday leave time, you can always contact our Employee Relations team at (859) 257-8758.

October 14, 2020

Two ways for employees to get a free flu shot

We're making it as easy as possible to get a flu shot this year. Help us reduce the spread of illness in our community. If you're on a UK health insurance plan, you can get a flu shot for free from any pharmacy, including UK HealthCare retail pharmacies at any time. Any faculty or staff member can also receive a flu shot for free at on-campus clinics through October 30, 2020.