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Work-life and well-being

Personalized support for what matters most to you

Connect one-on-one at no cost to you with therapists, specialists and other experts who work at UK too. Appointments are available to you and your family members.

A connected, caring work community

We’re inspiring more connection with each other and work
We’re committing to diversity, equity and inclusion
We’re donating leave time and money to colleagues in need

Experiencing challenges? HR is here to help! Please contact us.

Talk to a mental health therapist

Get professional, confidential support for any workplace or personal challenge.



October 11, 2020

"Recognize and Recharge" closes with raffle winners, replays, appreciation messages and tools

Staff Senate and Human Resources invited everyone — faculty and staff — to take moments to pause during October 5-9 to “Recognize and Recharge.” In addition to events throughout the week, we launched a new community quickstarts webpage and offered a book raffle and year-round tools for appreciation, belonging and self-care.

October 05, 2020

UK working parents face new challenges

Work-life management is an essential part of an employee’s journey at University of Kentucky. By establishing harmony and routine in and out of the workplace, employees maintain a sense of well-being.  For working parents, the strive for balance can be a challenging one. UK HR Work-Life understands the importance of supporting working parents, and it all starts with establishing a supportive employee-supervisor relationship.

October 01, 2020

Know the Warning Signs

It is difficult for someone to admit they need help, and to accept that help as they age. As a family member, it can be challenging for you to know when, and how, to step in and become more involved in your loved one’s care. Oftentimes, it falls on the family to recognize the signs that an aging loved one needs assistance. When you notice your loved one struggling, recognize that they possibly could benefit from more support. This is the time to think differently about your relationship with that person.

October 01, 2020

Parents' Night Off: Anytime Stories for Children

Join HR Work-Life Manager, Azetta Beatty, for three great stories: Tiger Can't Sleep: My Lucky Day: Love Is A Family: