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January 08, 2021

"I'm addicted to Chex Mix!"

Hey guys, it's Karen here. I am not addicted to Chex Mix, but someone else in my family thinks they are! After a recent camping trip, we had some leftover Chex Mix hanging out in the pantry. My 9-year old son found it during his lunch break from online school. I heard him downstairs with a rustling bag (why do they make those bags so dang noisy?!?!) and figured he found it. Anyways, I didn't think much of it, but after a few minutes he shouted "Mom, I'm addicted to Chex Mix!" Whatever I may think of his self-awareness (or lack thereof), I have to give him credit in this instance.

January 08, 2021

"Wait, you use real butter and chocolate?"

Vanessa here. Karen and I both like to bake. Sometimes we're asked for our "favorite" ingredient substitutes for things like butter, sugar, chocolate, and flour. We are often met with some funny looks when we say that we like to use the real things. We do this because we think it tastes good, sure. But we also choose to cook this way because we have learned that doing otherwise can instill a false dichotomy of "allowed" and "not allowed" foods. If you've gotten trapped in this way of thinking, we urge you to reconsider. Here's why:

January 07, 2021

How I Indulge Myself Without Food

Hey everyone, it's Karen here. Did you know that if you search the word "indulge" in Google images, about 90% of your results will have pictures of food?!?! Sure, there might be a random spa picture mixed in there, but it seems clear to me that the word "indulge" is synonymous with food in our culture. We understand that it's a common practice for many to self-indulge with food as a way to feel good, but hear us out: its effects are temporary and the long-term effects of using food to feel good can have consequences!

December 08, 2020

Goal Setting - No New Year’s Resolutions!

It’s only December, why are we thinking of New Year’s resolutions already? Because, as we move through the holidays, we tend to give our selves permission to have more unhealthy habits than usual knowing that we will “get back on the wagon” in January.