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Would you like to improve your nutrition but need help getting started?

Free one-on-one consults with our dietitians will provide you with personalized guidance based on your unique needs. They will help you make sustainable, meaningful changes.

Taking an intuitive eating approach, you can learn to identify and make adjustments to your relationship with food, helping to improve your overall well-being.  

You can meet in person, online, by phone or email. You choose your consultant and your preferred date and time.

What you receive

  • One initial 60-minute session in-person, or 45-minutes online or by phone, or by email 
  • Optional, unlimited follow-up sessions 
  • Optional follow-up emails for additional support 
  • Personalized guidance based on your unique needs

Ready to discover what eating well means for you?

Scheduling a consult is easy and flexible. When you select the button below, you’ll be directed to your health and wellness dashboard where you’ll log in and answer a few questions. Then, you can select how and when you would like to meet. You'll even receive a confirmation email with the details.

Let's work together to help you achieve your goals.

Karen Bryla McNees

"I can help you simplify the process of eating well and bridge the gap between knowing and doing. I believe eating well can be practical, flexible and accessible to anyone!"

Learn more about

“This was a wonderful session that taught me a lot about myself, my habits and nutrition in general. I will recommend this service to all of my coworkers.”

“I left the meeting with a changed perspective that will positively impact my habits and future.”

“It was very helpful just getting to talk through my issues and concerns. I really appreciated this. I felt much better when I left.”


April 16, 2024

Annual period for employees to convert temporary disability leave to vacation leave now available through April 30

The annual period for University of Kentucky employees to convert their temporary disability leave (TDL) to additional vacation leave (VL) is now available through April 30.   Employees may request conversion of TDL hours to additional vacation leave through Employee Self Service in myUK. Employees should log into myUK, access Employee Self Service and select Working Time and Leave Requests.    

May 14, 2021

What the pandemic brought to the kitchen table

Looking Back The past year has looked like no other in lots of ways. For this post, I want to focus on one in particular: food. Let’s take a moment to reflect on how the pandemic changed the ways in which we fed ourselves and our families; what may have worked or didn’t work, and how we can carry the positive changes into the next year and beyond.

April 27, 2021

Embracing Healthy-ish Eating

Do you feel a perpetual sense of doubt about how well you are feeding yourself and your family? With all the conflicting nutrition advice out there, it’s easy to feel like you are failing at times. And that frustration can lead to what I call the “what the heck?” effect. You may think “I can never win, so why even bother?” As a dietitian, I have seen too many people fall into this trap and give up on their journey to improve their eating. But, there is another way!

March 22, 2021

The Lazy Dietitian - A simple stir fry

Hi everyone! The Lazy Dietitian is back with another mind-blowingly simple meal you can get on the table in about 10 minutes. Be sure to check out my new stir fry video and recipe! 

Health and Wellness

We offer this benefit to you and your spouse while you’re an employee and as a retiree. All retirees and most employees are eligible, but if you’re less than half-time please review the details.

Contact our office

Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(859) 257-9355
A-250 Southcreek Park, 2365 Harrodsburg Road