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September 10, 2020

How to create employee awards at the college or division level

Recognition can feel most meaningful when it happens among the co-workers you work with every day. There are many reasons to create an award at the level of your division, college or even your team. Consider the morale boost getting recognized provides for individuals, and how awards set and reset the bar for continued achievements among the entire group.  Because Staff Senate hosts the university-wide Outstanding Staff Awards, we're often asked by leaders how to start an award program in their area.

September 09, 2020

How to say thanks on LinkedIn

When someone makes a difference in your workweek, there are many ways to tell them you noticed, including on LinkedIn.   Saying thank you and recognizing coworkers happens all the time on LinkedIn, so it’s an easy platform to give shout outs because it’s expected.  

September 07, 2020

Making recognition cards

Recognizing your team members for their contributions boosts morale. You can use our University of Kentucky recognition card templates in two ways:

September 03, 2020

"Just by saying thank you"

That's one message we heard in our recent survey about appreciation that Staff Senate conducted in May 2020, among many similar ones.