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Work-life and well-being

Personalized support for what matters most to you

Connect one-on-one at no cost to you with therapists, specialists and other experts who work at UK too. Appointments are available to you and your family members.

A connected, caring work community

We’re inspiring more connection with each other and work
We’re committing to diversity, equity and inclusion
We’re donating leave time and money to colleagues in need

Experiencing challenges? HR is here to help! Please contact us.

Talk to a mental health therapist

Get professional, confidential support for any workplace or personal challenge.



April 15, 2020

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR is an evidence-based therapy that helps people heal from traumatic and overwhelming experiences. If you are experiencing fear, terror, overwhelming shock, guilt or grief related to COVID-19, the mental health therapist team is now offering EMDR for all UK employees to assist with recent traumatic events and/or prepare for ongoing therapy intervention.

April 15, 2020

Two new benefits for you and your family’s financial well-being

Our newest benefits make it easier to spend less on the cost of college, whether you’re paying it off or saving up. Because, while many of our benefits are for unique interests, we know we all value education. 

April 02, 2020

Checklist for when your team starts remote work

Remote work is most effective when employees and supervisors communicate clearly about expectations. Supervisors, use this checklist to establish a foundation for effective teamwork and continued productivity and service to the UK community.

April 02, 2020

Being a Supportive Caregiver During COVID-19

Many of us are now working from home, keeping our social distance, worrying about our families (especially our older loved ones) and wondering when this will end. We are wondering when we can return to normal, all while trying to keep our stress and anxiety at a manageable level. Our older loves ones have the same stressors and anxieties. These anxieties are made worse by the new realities of isolation, inactivity and lack of routine. Isolation and the change in one’s routine can have negative mental and physical consequences.