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April 02, 2020

Checklist for when your team starts remote work

Remote work is most effective when employees and supervisors communicate clearly about expectations. Supervisors, use this checklist to establish a foundation for effective teamwork and continued productivity and service to the UK community.

April 02, 2020

Being a Supportive Caregiver During COVID-19

Many of us are now working from home, keeping our social distance, worrying about our families (especially our older loved ones) and wondering when this will end. We are wondering when we can return to normal, all while trying to keep our stress and anxiety at a manageable level. Our older loves ones have the same stressors and anxieties. These anxieties are made worse by the new realities of isolation, inactivity and lack of routine. Isolation and the change in one’s routine can have negative mental and physical consequences.

March 17, 2020

Staying connected when working apart

When working remotely, you may find yourself feeling left out and disconnected from your co-workers, as discussed in this article in the Harvard Business Review. While there aren’t any magical answers, one of our health coaches, Amy Rodquist-Kodet, MA, CHWC (who works remotely full time) has several suggestions for helping you and your team feel more connected.

January 09, 2020

Reflecting on 2019

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey Aside from the cold, I love the beginning of the new year. It provides a fresh start and a chance to look back on both the celebrations and challenges of 2019. It’s a time to reflect on what went well, what didn’t and how can we improve. We can apply this same reflection to caregiving. How did we do, both for ourselves and our older loved one? Where did we shine and where can we do better? Reflect back on 2019: