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We’re committing to diversity, equity and inclusion
We’re donating leave time and money to colleagues in need

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August 25, 2020

Employees kept campus active and safe during COVID-19 response

Nancy Smith, an administrative staff assistant in the Gatton Student Center, has worked at UK for 15 years. In March, when COVID-19 forced many of the university’s students, staff and faculty to work and study remotely, Nancy remained on campus.  While students and other employees adjusted to studying and working remotely, work continued at UK keeping the buildings and grounds maintained, greeting visitors and potential students, and preparing for the challenges of the fall semester.  

August 21, 2020

Explore meditation resources from UK Integrative Medicine & Health Services

As caregivers, we need to take time away from the complex work of caregiving, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. We need time to recharge and refocus. Meditation can help reduce stress and increase feelings of resilience. UK Integrative Medicine & Health Services has complimentary services for UK employees and their families. These resources have great benefits for caregivers. 

August 20, 2020

Child care info for UKHC employees during COVID-19

With the majority of school districts beginning the school year with virtual learning, we know child care remains a concern for many of you, so we want to provide some resources to help. While we continue to encourage supervisors to adjust work schedules and offer remote work when possible, we know you may need additional support to continue to work and manage your child care responsibilities. Visit this website to learn more about child care resources for UK HealthCare employees.

August 17, 2020

Do's and don'ts for long-term laptop comfort

Laptops were designed with portability in mind, which means they're not the most ergonomic. They're great for quick tasks but they weren't designed to keep you comfortable throughout your entire workday. For example, the fixed screen and keyboard on a laptop limits adjustability for you as a user. Also, sharp edges can add strain to wrists and can possibly hinder circulation. This makes it difficult to maintain a proper typing position for the arms, wrists, and hands.