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August 13, 2020

Child care referrals with UK's Child Care Aware

Child Care Aware of Kentucky This UK Human Development Institute site includes several resources for families looking for child care:

August 13, 2020

Find top rated child care

When looking to find quality child care Benefind can be great resource for current Kentucky ALL STARS ratings.

August 12, 2020

Options for working parents during virtual learning

With the majority of school districts beginning the school year with virtual learning, we know child care remains a concern for many of you, so we want to provide some resources to help. 

August 01, 2020

Signs and Symptoms of Caregiver Depression

Caring for an aging loved one can be demanding, and COVID-19 has added a whole new level of stress and anxiety for caregivers. Caregivers worry. They worry about their family’s health, the health of their older loved ones and their own health. They worry about how to keep everyone safe and what the future may hold. All this worry can create fear, hopelessness, anger, resentment and helplessness – and if left unaddressed, can lead to depression.  Caregiver depression