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August 06, 2024

Plenty of workshops, new events as school gets started

As another summer wraps up, I think to myself, “Wow, here we go again. Another school year is here? Am I ready?” Your child will need different support based on their age, grade level and ability to get into the school groove. Hopefully, you can help make the transition to school a positive experience for them from day one. 

July 29, 2024

How do you know when your older loved one needs help in the home?

Usually as we age, most of us would prefer to stay independent in our own homes. It’s familiar and comfortable; a place where we feel we have control over our daily lives and the freedom to do what we want. But continuing to live independently at home can become risky for many of our older loved ones, even though most likely they will downplay or hide any issues they are having.

June 27, 2024

Six Things to consider after receiving a critical diagnosis

After you or a loved one receives a critical diagnosis, including but not limited to Alzheimer’s or any other type of dementia, your world will feel upside down. Shock, anger, fear and grief are all common emotions. Give yourself time and space to work through it and process the news. There is no right or wrong way to react; everyone will respond differently. As the shock wears off you will start thinking about what’s next. What can you do to prepare for the challenges ahead?  What can you do to stay in control of your future?  

April 30, 2024

Four aging safety issues to consider

We all experience changes in our physical and mental abilities as we age; it’s just part of the circle of life. And just as our abilities are changing our older loved ones’ abilities are changing too. It’s important to check in with our older loved ones to look for these changes, but sometimes a phone call or text just doesn’t do it. It’s important to be there in person and spend time with them. It gives you the chance to get a peek into their world; a chance to see for yourself how they are coping with the onset of aging.