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Meet your personal fitness goals

Access to in-person and online resources Three fitness memberships

Options include employee MoveWell facilities, virtual membership or all-access membership including MoveWell and Campus Recreation.

Convenient locations and hours On-campus fitness centers

With on-campus fitness memberships, you can enjoy our dedicated facilities. Check this page for hours.

Sign up for your one-on-one session now Personal training

This pilot personal training program is designed to help you meet your fitness and health goals with one-on-one training with our exercise specialist.

FOR MOVEWELL MEMBERS Fitness class schedule

Whether you want to focus on strengthening muscle, getting your heart rate up or improving your flexibility, we offer a variety of online and in-person classes. New schedules are offered in fall, spring and summer. You must re-register each semester. Membership is required.

Consults available in person or online Exercise specialists

Discover more ways to be physically active no matter what challenges you face.

For all UK employees Specialty fitness classes

Explore new ways to move your body. Discover different styles of exercise to help your move your body and reach your fitness goals.


No matter your fitness level, with MoveWell Rewards you'll have a chance to win cash prizes through monthly drawings. To participate, track your movement on a fitness device like Fitbit, Garmin or Apple Watch and sync with your device's app regularly to make sure your steps are recorded!

FOR ALL UK EMPLOYEES Resources on and off campus

There are many beautiful walking locations in and around Lexington. Walking for at least 30 minutes a day can help improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol and lower your risk for diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and possibly depression. A low-impact form of exercise, walking can also be easier on the joints than running or other fitness activities.

For all UK employees Treadmill desk workstation

Increase your steps while you work with a desk treadmill workstation. 

Improve back and joint health at home Hinge Health

Hinge Health is a free benefit for your back and joint health. It provides all the tools you need to get moving again from the comfort of your home. You’ll get exercise therapy tailored to your condition and a personal care team of experts. Best of all, it’s free, 100% covered as part of your UK health insurance plan.


September 24, 2024

October is Work and Family Month

 October is National Work and Family Month and to recognize the month, University of Kentucky Human Resources Work-Life is hosting several workshops.  National Work and Family Month is an annual designation that began in 2003. It aims to highlight the importance of creating a harmonious relationship between professional responsibilities and family commitments.  

August 27, 2024

As she retires, Terri Weber reminds caregivers to make sure they take care of themselves

As they say, all good things must come to an end. I want to let you know that I will be retiring from UK as of Oct. 3. It has been my privilege and honor to work with you, the UK caregivers, throughout the last 14 years. Now it’s time for me to turn to a new chapter. But UK Elder Care will continue.  I will assist in the transition, continuing to provide individual consultations on a limited basis and co-facilitating Care Group with Ann Bassoni, UK Mental Health Therapist, until a new hire is confirmed.

August 06, 2024

Plenty of workshops, new events as school gets started

As another summer wraps up, I think to myself, “Wow, here we go again. Another school year is here? Am I ready?” Your child will need different support based on their age, grade level and ability to get into the school groove. Hopefully, you can help make the transition to school a positive experience for them from day one. 

April 16, 2024

Annual period for employees to convert temporary disability leave to vacation leave now available through April 30

The annual period for University of Kentucky employees to convert their temporary disability leave (TDL) to additional vacation leave (VL) is now available through April 30.   Employees may request conversion of TDL hours to additional vacation leave through Employee Self Service in myUK. Employees should log into myUK, access Employee Self Service and select Working Time and Leave Requests.