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A work location workgroup was charged with researching, exploring ideas and providing recommendations on how work location can support our efforts to advance our state and those we serve. New guidelines for hybrid and remote work are now available. Read more

Schedule options

Adjust your schedule

You may be able to set your regular schedule earlier, later or compress your work week.

Flex time on occasion

Take appointments as long as you make up your missed work time within the same week.

Reduced hours options

Reduce your hours for a season

Working less during summer and winter while keeping benefits may be an option.

Take seasonal unpaid leave

Full-week increments of leave during defined summer and winter periods may be possible.

Phase into retirement

Explore easing into retirement by reducing hours over time.

Phase back to full-time from leave

After extended leave for any reason, including childbirth, you could return part-time at first.


June 22, 2021

Potential challenges for your hybrid schedule

Hybrid workers can successfully manage their on-site and off-site work schedule. Managing your communications, job responsibilities and collaborations will require some intentional planning and cooperation with your colleagues.   Hybrid workers can be very engaged in the day-to-day work as well as build healthy relationships. Nonetheless, even in the best of circumstances there can be some unintended or unexpected challenges that arise.  

June 22, 2021

Considerations for discontinuing a hybrid work schedule

As supervisors, you should work together with your direct report to monitor if their hybrid work arrangement is effective for them, the department and the, unit or college.    

November 16, 2020

Reduced hours and unpaid leave options extended through August 28, 2021

Traditionally, the university offers two voluntary options for staff interested in working fewer hours during winter and summer: reducing their hours or taking unpaid leave. As part of our earlier COVID-19 response, we extended the eligible seasonal periods for reduced hours and unpaid leave to include extended dates in fall 2020 — and now we're including extended dates in spring 2021.

August 17, 2020

Do's and don'ts for long-term laptop comfort

Laptops were designed with portability in mind, which means they're not the most ergonomic. They're great for quick tasks but they weren't designed to keep you comfortable throughout your entire workday. For example, the fixed screen and keyboard on a laptop limits adjustability for you as a user. Also, sharp edges can add strain to wrists and can possibly hinder circulation. This makes it difficult to maintain a proper typing position for the arms, wrists, and hands.