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Hybrid workers can successfully manage their on-site and off-site work schedule. Managing your communications, job responsibilities and collaborations will require some intentional planning and cooperation with your colleagues.  

Hybrid workers can be very engaged in the day-to-day work as well as build healthy relationships. Nonetheless, even in the best of circumstances there can be some unintended or unexpected challenges that arise.  

  • Work with your supervisor to prepare for your hybrid schedule and problem solve as needed. 
  • Look to your supervisors as a resource to help you evaluate potential pitfalls. 
  • Initiate a proactive discussion before your hybrid schedule starts and check-in routinely.
  • Check-ins about the topics of concern during one-on-one meetings.
  • When and how you check in with your supervisor will be different for everyone, but everyone should check in with their supervisor often to ensure the hybrid work arrangement is meeting their needs and the needs of the department.
  • If a challenge arises, discuss it with your supervisor immediately so they can make adjustments and help you create solutions early before the challenges become too overwhelming.   

Potential pitfalls and proactive solutions

Productivity and promotion advancement 

  • Not effectively managing or completing daily tasks 

    • Solution: Create a “to do” plan to monitor and complete tasks on time. 
    • Solution: Discuss any needed resources and trainings with your supervisor. 
  • Missing meetings or commitments due to travel time, traffic, off-site related distractions 

    • Solution: Make sure you allot enough commute time. Sign on to virtual meetings early.
  • Missing on-site employee supportive programming that is offered on days you are working off site.

    • Solution: Sometimes this may be unavoidable. Mark your calendar for virtual opportunities when you are not onsite. Consider switching your on and off-site days to attend an in-person event. 
  • Not maintaining a consistent hybrid work schedule 

    • Solution: Based on your job function, determine a good hybrid schedule and stick to it. 
  • Not being flexible to adjust your work location as needed to meet departmental needs.

    • Solution: There may be times when you need to switch your on and off site work days in order to participate in a work-related projects, meetings or events.  

Relationship development 

  • Feeling like belonging and inclusion is hindered on the days you are not present on-site resulting in not feeling like a part of the team. 

    • Solution: Make the best of the time that you are on-site. Spend time with colleagues. Enjoy your casual face-to-face talks or meetings. 
    • Solution: Remember to connect virtually as needed and on purpose to continue to build healthy relationships. Decide to stay connected no matter your work location. 
  • Feeling out of the loop with informal office conversations and missing opportunities to offer input on decisions. Feeling like decisions are being made without you when you are not onsite if input is being sought through informal on-site conversations, resulting in you not feeling included or supported by your team. 

    • Solution: Acknowledge that you will not be able to participate in in-person casual conversations when you are off site, but this would be the same if you were on-site. It’s important to speak up if you feel that you are intentionally or unintentionally being left out of important decisions simply because you are off site.   


  • Having work-related mental health concerns such as stress and anxiety due to managing a hybrid work schedule.

    • Solution: Consider scheduling a free appointment with one of our mental health therapists therapists in the Office of Work-Life. 
  • Having trouble managing and maintain healthy Work-Life boundaries 

    • Solution: Create a work schedule and stick to it as much as possible. Do not work when you should be off work such as weekends, end of work day or vacations.
  • Feeling like your onsite absence sends a message to leadership or colleagues that you lack commitment or interest in your job 

    • Solution: Evaluate your feelings and thoughts to determine if there is any truth to your feelings. If you have concerns, discuss them with your supervisors and your colleagues. Ask them if they have any concerns with the impact your offsite schedule is having on the team and services. 
  • Feeling passed over for projects or promotions because of your hybrid schedule 

    • Solution: If you have concerns about how you are being perceived or evaluated, share these concerns with your supervisor and discuss possible solutions.  

Technical and communication 

  • Lack of an established way to communicate with the team regardless of location 

    • Solution: Make sure you identify and use a communication platform such as Microsoft Teams for regular, easy communications 
    • Solution: Store and share files or projects using a digital or virtual platform such as a shared drive that is accessible from anywhere.
  • Lack of the materials or resources needed to adequately complete projects 

    • Solution: Make sure you have adequate resources and supplies in both work locations 
  • Having technical issues with equipment while off-site that hinders productivity or access 

    • Solution: Make sure your equipment has the latest updates. 
  • Not having good internet connections at off-site location 

    • Solution: Have back-up options to access the internet such as “hotspot” options.
  • Not having access to a copier or printer.

    • Solution: You can plan to print, copy or fax when you are onsite.
  • Not wanting to transport equipment back and forth between your home and work office 

    • Solution: This may be unavoidable if you are using a laptop. You can ask your department for a monitor and other equipment to keep at your offsite workspace. This may not be an option. You can store everyday supplies in both locations.