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As supervisors, you should work together with your direct report to monitor if their hybrid work arrangement is effective for them, the department and the, unit or college.  


Hybrid work schedules may or may not work in practice 

It’s important to establish expectations early, evaluate the arrangement on an ongoing basis and make adjustments as needed. Just because a job can be done remotely does not automatically mean the hybrid work arrangement will work out in the end. It’s a bit of a trial and error.  

Either the employee or supervisor can request to end the hybrid work arrangement. A hybrid work arrangement may be discontinued if the arrangement is not effective. Here are just a few reasons a hybrid work schedule may be discontinued. 


Reasons to end a hybrid work schedule 


  • Employee’s work productivity has diminished since they started a hybrid schedule and their productivity during off site work days is unacceptably low. 
  • Employee being off site is negatively impacting the productivity of the team or services because some tasks or services must be done in person. 
  • Employee is using the off-site work time for caregiver responsibilities (child or elder care).  
  • Employee is on a formal disciplinary plan that requires in-person oversight.  

Lack of engagement or participation 

  • Employee is not participating in collaborations or meetings during off-site work hours. 
  • Employee does not feel connected to the team or work functions due to hybrid schedule.  

Job function  

  • Employee’s job functions change and the employee must be completely on site in order to perform tasks and be successful. 
  • Other employees routinely complete tasks for the employee when they are working off site.  

Employee preference or request 

  • Employee is not satisfied with the hybrid work arrangement.