Enjoy more time away in the summer or winter
During the summer and winter months, you could temporarily reduce your hours worked if you and your supervisor agree on a plan.
Take advantage of this option when it’s available during defined eligible time periods in summer and winter. If your position has a lower volume of work during these seasons, this flexible work option could be a great fit.
Eligible seasons
Winter session
December 1, 2024 – February 2, 2025
Reduce your hours for up to the entire season
Receive pro-rated paychecks and possibly keep your benefits
You’ll continue to be paid, but you’ll see a lower amount on your paycheck during the period you reduced your hours. If you’re an hourly, non-exempt employee, your hourly pay rate remains the same even if you reduce your hours. If you’re a salaried, exempt employee, you’ll see your salary reduced on a pro-rated basis.
Work with your supervisor to determine the length of this temporary arrangement
As long as you’re within the dates of the defined eligible season, you can temporarily reduce your hours for days, weeks or months.
How much could you reduce your hours?
What’s possible depends on your current full-time status
If your position has a regular, full-time status, check with your supervisor to understand your exact full-time equivalency (FTE) number. This number indicates the portion or percentage of full-time hours that describes an employee’s assigned work schedule.
For example, an employee assigned to work full-time at 40 hours a week has an FTE of 100% or 1.0.
1.0 FTE = 100%
0.75 FTE = 75%
0.5 FTE = 50%
Some areas of the university differ in how many hours they assign to a 100% FTE position. In many areas, 100% FTE positions are assigned 40 hours a week; in other areas, 100% FTE positions are assigned 37.5 hours.
Consider the impact to benefits and retirement
Health insurance
If you reduce your hours worked to no less than 75% FTE, you’ll maintain your benefits as defined by our policy. For example, a 40-hour-per-week position could be reduced to 30 hours with the same benefits.
Vacation and sick leave
Your leave accruals will be calculated on a pro-rated basis.
Retirement savings
Our employer match for your retirement savings contributions will be made in accordance with the amount of your new pay (as a result of the number of hours worked).
Retirement eligibility
Your regular years of service will be adjusted based on your FTE over your career, including your adjusted FTE during any periods of reduced hours or leave. For example, if your full-time position is normally 40 hours a week at 100% FTE and you reduce your hours during the summer to 30 hours a week at 75% FTE, then you will accrue at 75% of your regular full-time service during the summer.
HR Policy & Procedure #94
“The University assists employees with a full-time equivalent (FTE) of 0.75 or greater, or who work more than 30 hours per week over a 12 month period, and who are enrolled in the health care plan by crediting an amount toward the health care plan’s premium. This amount is referred to as the health care plan credit.”
Use our proposal writer to further the conversation with your supervisor
After your initial conversation with your supervisor, it’s time to send them a written proposal. Our form helps you write your proposal, sends it to your supervisor and copies Human Resources for reference.
Frequently asked questions
Can multiple people in one department be approved?
How many people and who specifically is approved for seasonal flexible work, and flexible work in general, is a decision at the discretion of the immediate supervisor or division head.
Can I change my mind after I’ve completed the enrollment form and obtained approvals?
The agreement can be canceled with the support of both the supervisor and the business officer. For exempt employees, it may not be possible to change your full-time equivalency until the start of the next bi-weekly or monthly pay period.
Will this change my monthly premiums for health insurance?
If you're reducing hours and still working some hours you'll be in a paid status, so your benefits will continue being deducted at your normal rate.
Flexible work
You’re eligible to request seasonal reduced hours if you’re a regular, clinically non-essential, full-time staff employee who has successfully completed the 90-day, new hire orientation period.
Contact our office
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
(859) 257-8763