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Improve your well-being through nutrition

Available in person, online, by phone or email Registered dietitians

Experienced dietitians work with you to find nutritional strategies that meet your needs.

Meetings held online Free EatWell membership

Learn about nutrition basics, sustainable changes and a supportive mindset.

A non-diet, evidence-based approach to eating Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating helps you learn to trust your body’s internal signals to make food choices that work for you, without self-judgement or the external signals of diet culture and food rules.

Fresh food from local farms CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Voucher

Employees and retirees on a health plan choose either $100 or $200 vouchers toward the cost of a CSA share from one of our partner farms.

Lose weight, sleep better and more WondrHealth

Wondr is a weight loss program that is clinically proven to help you lose weight. We’ll teach you simple skills based on behavioral science, so you can enjoy your favorite foods and feel better than ever— at no cost to you.

Lazy Dietitian: How to Embrace Healthy-ish Eating!

Join Karen Bryla McNees, our Lazy Dietitian, for a 3-week video series that will reveal her tips for creating simple, healthy-ish and tasty meals with minimal time and effort.

Here are the two most recent videos:

And here is the full playlist of all the Lazy Dietitian videos on YouTube:

Discover how to organize your kitchen and cook with less effort!


December 08, 2020

Cheesy cauliflower tots

It is really really hard for me to turn down a Tater Tot. But even though some cafeterias may count them as a vegetable (ahem, I’m looking at YOU, USDA), they are probably not a choice to make if you are looking for a nutrient-dense side dish. Until now. This version, made with cauliflower, offers higher fiber and more nutrients than the potato original. And they are baked, not fried. So if you’ve got a bag a cauliflower rice in the freezer are looking for something new to do with it, here you go!

November 18, 2020

Tips for Fighting Kitchen Burnout

Did you know that your body expects food every day? And not just your body, but also the people with whom you share your kitchen?

November 18, 2020

Embracing "Good Enough" Choices

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by everyday decision-making? Next time that happens, try "satisficing." Coined by Herbert Simon in 1956, the word "satisfice" combines the words satisfy and suffice. This mental hack is a decision-making strategy that aims for a satisfactory or adequate result, rather than an optimal solution. In other words, your "good enough" choices for getting things done. Why would I want to satisfice?

November 18, 2020

Taming Emotional Eating

The holidays tend to evoke a range of emotions for people, and food seems to be everywhere this time of year. When we eat for reasons other than physical hunger, it is considered emotional eating. We often think about emotional eating as eating in response to negative emotions such as stress, loneliness, or sadness. But, emotional eating can also happen with positive emotions, such as celebration or reward. Let's talk about what emotional eating is and how we can break the cycle.