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Improve your well-being through nutrition

Available in person, online, by phone or email Registered dietitians

Experienced dietitians work with you to find nutritional strategies that meet your needs.

Meetings held online Free EatWell membership

Learn about nutrition basics, sustainable changes and a supportive mindset.

A non-diet, evidence-based approach to eating Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating helps you learn to trust your body’s internal signals to make food choices that work for you, without self-judgement or the external signals of diet culture and food rules.

Fresh food from local farms CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Voucher

Employees and retirees on a health plan choose either $100 or $200 vouchers toward the cost of a CSA share from one of our partner farms.

Lose weight, sleep better and more WondrHealth

Wondr is a weight loss program that is clinically proven to help you lose weight. We’ll teach you simple skills based on behavioral science, so you can enjoy your favorite foods and feel better than ever— at no cost to you.

Lazy Dietitian: How to Embrace Healthy-ish Eating!

Join Karen Bryla McNees, our Lazy Dietitian, for a 3-week video series that will reveal her tips for creating simple, healthy-ish and tasty meals with minimal time and effort.

Here are the two most recent videos:

And here is the full playlist of all the Lazy Dietitian videos on YouTube:

Discover how to organize your kitchen and cook with less effort!


September 10, 2021

Family Friendly Meals

  Fall means back to school for many of us, and that usually means re-calibrating those laid-back summer schedules back into something resembling order and efficiency. Unfortunately, whatever plans we wrestle into place often fall by the wayside by dinner time. If that sounds like your household, read on for some tips and tricks to make your mealtimes an easier experience for both you and your family.

May 14, 2021

What the pandemic brought to the kitchen table

Looking Back The past year has looked like no other in lots of ways. For this post, I want to focus on one in particular: food. Let’s take a moment to reflect on how the pandemic changed the ways in which we fed ourselves and our families; what may have worked or didn’t work, and how we can carry the positive changes into the next year and beyond.

April 27, 2021

Embracing Healthy-ish Eating

Do you feel a perpetual sense of doubt about how well you are feeding yourself and your family? With all the conflicting nutrition advice out there, it’s easy to feel like you are failing at times. And that frustration can lead to what I call the “what the heck?” effect. You may think “I can never win, so why even bother?” As a dietitian, I have seen too many people fall into this trap and give up on their journey to improve their eating. But, there is another way!

March 22, 2021

The Lazy Dietitian - A simple stir fry

Hi everyone! The Lazy Dietitian is back with another mind-blowingly simple meal you can get on the table in about 10 minutes. Be sure to check out my new stir fry video and recipe!