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Want to improve your eating habits, but don’t know where to start? We can help!

With an EatWell membership, you can join our registered dietitians and fellow members who share your desire to eat well. This customizable membership provides a no-nonsense, evidence-based approach to healthy eating that can address a wide range of nutrition-related needs, including weight management, chronic disease prevention and management, and quality of life. A free EatWell membership also gives you access to exclusive benefits, like weekly member meetings, an EatWell member website, and weekly emails.

Memberships are:

  • Free to UK employees, retirees and spouses 
  • Flexible to your needs and never expire  
  • A convenient way to learn more about eating well

What you can expect

Learn basic nutrition information.
"I'm so confused about nutrition and I don't know what to believe." We hear this often from new members. Let us help you cut through the noise and focus on what really matters.

Learn how to apply nutrition information to your everyday life.
“Eating well feels so overwhelming and time-consuming.” We can help you make eating well feel practical and achievable.

Learn how to understand the psychology of eating.
“My attitudes and beliefs about food are holding me back from making progress.” Eating well goes beyond just knowing and doing. We can help you change your mindset around food to support sustainable eating habits.
Or maybe these needs resonate with you - we can help with those too!
“I don’t know what I don't know!” 
“I’m just curious to learn more about nutrition and food.” 
“I want to be part of a like-minded group and find support for my own eating well journey.” 

Convenient meetings

Live meetings are held weekly on Zoom.

Tuesdays, 11:15-11:45 a.m.

Wednesdays, 12:15-12:45 p.m.

Ready to join our supportive community?

Signing up is easy. When you select the button below, you’ll be directed to your health and wellness dashboard where you’ll log in and answer a few questions. Your membership is free as a UK employee, spouse or retiree, and you can continue as long as you wish!

Sign up

We'll work together to help you achieve your goals

Karen Bryla McNees

"I can help you simplify the process of eating well and bridge the gap between knowing and doing. I believe eating well can be practical, flexible and accessible to anyone!"

Learn more about

What our members say:

“It has been a game changer for me!”

 “It provides a personal connection and a sense of accountability. I learn new things all the time!”

 “It provides information, support, and a willingness to meet people where they are.”


January 07, 2021

How I Indulge Myself Without Food

Hey everyone, it's Karen here. Did you know that if you search the word "indulge" in Google images, about 90% of your results will have pictures of food?!?! Sure, there might be a random spa picture mixed in there, but it seems clear to me that the word "indulge" is synonymous with food in our culture. We understand that it's a common practice for many to self-indulge with food as a way to feel good, but hear us out: its effects are temporary and the long-term effects of using food to feel good can have consequences!

December 08, 2020

Save your basil with pesto

As summer winds down, I start strategizing ways to preserve my warm-weather goodies for the colder months to come. I wish you could smell my kitchen in the summer. Fresh basil is, to me, one of the joys of summer. Every year I prolong that joy by making and freezing large batches of pesto to eat through the colder months.

December 08, 2020

Make a week’s worth of lunches with Burrito Bowl Mason Jar Salads

Looking for a little shake-up in your lunch routine? These salads could be the answer. The ingredient quantities listed below will make five pint-jar-sized salads. When you’re ready to eat, shake them to distribute the dressing, or turn them over into a bowl – this is my preferred method, since the dressing more easily distributes over the salad. Enjoy!  

December 08, 2020

Cheesy cauliflower tots

It is really really hard for me to turn down a Tater Tot. But even though some cafeterias may count them as a vegetable (ahem, I’m looking at YOU, USDA), they are probably not a choice to make if you are looking for a nutrient-dense side dish. Until now. This version, made with cauliflower, offers higher fiber and more nutrients than the potato original. And they are baked, not fried. So if you’ve got a bag a cauliflower rice in the freezer are looking for something new to do with it, here you go!

Health and Wellness dietitians

We offer this benefit to you and your spouse while you’re an employee and as a retiree. All retirees and most employees are eligible, but if you’re less than half-time please review the details.

Contact our office

Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(859) 257-9355
A-250 Southcreek Park, 2365 Harrodsburg Road