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March 04, 2021

It May Be Time to Give Up the Keys

Just because you are a senior does not mean you need to stop driving, but it does mean you need to take extra precautions due to the natural changes in our physical and cognitive abilities.

February 03, 2021

Life Beyond Your Caregiving Role

“I matter. My life matters. My feelings matter. I am doing powerful, important work for my loved one — but I still matter.” — Cindy Laverty We all want to feel like we have a purpose in life. Some caregivers find their purpose in caregiving, but many do not. Instead, many caregivers accept the caregiver role out of a sense of duty, loyalty and love. Caregiving is not what brings excitement to their lives.

January 13, 2021

10 Tips for Caregivers to Start the Year off Right

 “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” - Oprah Winfrey The beginning of the year gives us a chance to make a fresh start and think back on what we did well. Take pride in what you accomplished; 2020 was a difficult year! It required more patience, continual commitment and an almost gymnastic-like adaptability. Congratulate yourself on making it through.

November 23, 2020

The Holidays, Caregiving and COVID-19: How Will It Be Different?

Age brings wisdom and experience, but it also brings inevitable feelings of loss. Holidays in general can be difficult for many older folks and their caregivers. Memories from the past, changes in routine, and the challenges and stresses we currently face create sadness and disappointment. Caregivers are overwhelmed with fulfilling holiday traditions while maintaining the care and safety of their older loved ones. Finding the balance between past traditions and the reality of what this holiday season will look like is a challenge.