Parenting can be wonderful and tough at the same time. Guess what, you are not alone. UK Work-Life is here to support you on your parenting journey. Strengthening the parent-child relationship requires commitment and effort. All parents want to maintain a close relationship and open communication with their child. It is possible to stay connected with your child during all ages and stages of development.
Let us help you balance parenting and work.
Contact our Work-Life Benefits Manager Azetta Beatty
Email: Azetta.Beatty@uky.edu or worklife@uky.edu
Call: (859) 257-2648
Parenting tips
Here are ten healthy parenting tips
- Identify your child’s strengths.
- Punishing a child is not as effective as using praise and rewards.
- Model healthy non-aggressive expression of unpleasant emotions such as anger, frustration, sadness and worry.
- Don’t compare siblings.
- Get support if you need it.
- Listen to your child. Children need positive attention.
- Monitor your child’s use of the Internet.
- Accept that life changes when you have a child.
- Provide opportunities for safe risk taking, self-exploration and empowering your child to make choices and decisions.
- Don’t give up on your child ever.
Here are ten tips for strengthening your parent-child relationship
- Tell your child you love them
- Play with your child
- Establish a special name or code name
- Develop and maintain bedtime routines
- Teach your child about faith
- Let your child help you
- Eat meals as a family
- Seek out one-on-one opportunities
- Respect your child’s choices
- Make your child a priority in your life
Here are tips for strengthening you parent-child bond:
- Eat together
- Talk about your day
- Play together
- Be respectful and expect the same from your child
- Let your child help you
- Cuddle
- Show your child love daily