All UK health insurance members have the cost of one breast pump per pregnancy covered by health insurance.

We understand your needs
From figuring out how to purchase a breast pump to finding a secure, private space to pump on campus to the work flexibility needed to take longer breaks if needed — we’re here to help.
UK encourages and supports breastfeeding and lactation in the workplace. We created lactation guidelines to help educate leaders and supervisors about your needs.
Our university-wide guidelines support you
We’re committed to providing education and resources to department chairs and supervisors to encourage support of breastfeeding in the workplace. In addition to aligning with federal guidelines, we created guidelines to support lactation specifically at UK.
Federal guidelines for lactation in the workplace
Frequently asked questions
Locate a lactation space near you on campus
How to search using the campus map
1. Click Find a Location at the top.
2. Scroll down and click on Building Amenities.
3. Click on Lactation Rooms and slide the button to Show Lactation Rooms.
4. Click on the mother/baby icon on the map for the room number and additional information.
All lactation rooms
We have more than 20 designated lactation spaces across campus. Other temporary spaces may be available or offered to accommodate your needs. Any private office or conference room may be used. Need assistance? Please contact us and we’ll help you find a space nearby.
2317 Alumni Park Plaza, lactation space
This dedicated lactation space is located on the first floor of the 2317 building.
From the first floor lobby and immediately to the right of the elevator is a door that goes to the breakroom; after entering that door, the lactation room is the second door on the right. The door is equipped with a dead bolt lock for privacy and occupied/vacant signage on the outside of the room. Stop by Suite 300 (turn left after entering the building on the first floor) to get the access key or code to the room.
No reservations are necessary.
Agriculture Science Center North, room N-204
This lactation space is located inside the entrance of the women’s restroom on the 2nd floor (N-204).
It is equipped with a door separating it from the restroom with a deadbolt lock and an occupied/vacant sign. There is an electrical outlet, couch, table, and access to running water.
No reservations are needed. Call Megan Lucy for assistance at (859) 257-7249.
Bosworth Hall, Room 111
This lactation space is in the campus HR services building, Bosworth Hall, on the first floor in room 111. Enter the building through the right-side door (Visitor’s Entrance). Ask the customer service team at the front desk for the key to the room. The room is equipped with a chair, small table, sink, refrigerator, and a Medela Symphony pump. Employees must bring their own tubing kit to use the Medela onsite breastpump.
No reservations are needed. Contact the front desk for assistance.
College of Law, room 093
The College of Law is located at 620 South Limestone. Room 093 is on the basement level. Please contact Alina Emen at or Jayme Ware at if you have questions.
College of Nursing, room 604
This dedicated lactation space is located on the 6th floor of the College of Nursing in room 604. If you want to use this Lactation Station, please email Dr. Ana Linares at or James Hayhurst at requesting the passcode for the box located on the left side of this door to access the key.
If you are using the Lactation Station for the first time, please sign the User Acknowledgement form found inside the notebook. Please sign in and out using the Lactation Station notebook in the room.
Please knock before entering and respect the privacy of others if the sign shows the room is in use. This room has a refrigerator for the exclusive use of storing expressed milk.
College of Public Health, room 215A
This is a dedicated lactation space in room 215A.
Anyone needing to use this room will get the key in room 212.
Contact: Deana Bellis, 859-218-2330,
Erikson Hall, room 212
This lactation space is located on the 2nd floor in room 212. The room remains locked and access is arranged through the first floor administrative offices for the School of Human Environmental Sciences and Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Office. Schedule access to the space in advance by emailing or or by calling (859) 257-3887. This space is equipped with two lactation chairs and a curtain for privacy and a Medela Symphony II hospital grade breast pump. Employees MUST supply their own Medela kits in order to utilize the pump in the space. Employees are welcome to bring their own breast pumps. In addition, this private space has a refrigerator and a sound machine.
Frank D. Peterson Service Building, room 201A
Room 201A is located on the 2nd floor and is adjacent to the women's restroom. It is unlocked and open any time the building is open and is only locked if in use. No reservation is needed. A sink is available in the adjoining restroom. Electrical outlets, a recliner, and a refrigerator are available in the space.
Contact 859-218-3159 if you have questions or need assistance.
Gatton College of Business and Economics, room 427
This lactation space is located on the 4th floor in room 427.
The room remains locked and is accessible by badge access only. More info is available on Gatton's facilities page (scroll down to bottom).
Contact and reservations: To arrange for access and sign up to use the room, email Melissa Beaven (Suite 337) may also be contacted at (859) 257-3069.
Gatton Student Center, room A130F
Three lactation spaces are located on each of the three floors in the following rooms: A130F (Level 1), A211 (Level 2) and A320 (Level 3). The rooms are unlocked unless they are in use.
No reservations are necessary.
College of Public Health, room 215A
Anyone needing to use this room will get the key in room 212.
Contact: Deana Bellis, 859-218-2330,
Gatton College of Business and Economics, room 427
This lactation space is located on the 4th floor in room 427.
The room remains locked and is accessible by badge access only. More info is available on Gatton's facilities page (scroll down to bottom).
Contact and reservations: To arrange for access and sign up to use the room, email Melissa Beaven (Suite 337) may also be contacted at (859) 257-3069.
Gatton Student Center, room A130F
Three lactation spaces are located on each of the three floors in the following rooms: A130F (Level 1), A211 (Level 2) and A320 (Level 3). The rooms are unlocked unless they are in use.
No reservations are necessary.
Gatton Student Center, room A211
Three lactation spaces are located on each of the three floors in the following rooms: A130F (Level 1), A211 (Level 2) and A320 (Level 3). The rooms are unlocked unless they are in use.
No reservations are necessary.
Gatton Student Center, room A320
Three lactation spaces are located on each of the three floors in the following rooms: A130F (Level 1), A211 (Level 2) and A320 (Level 3). The rooms are unlocked unless they are in use.
No reservations are necessary.
Gill Building, room G062
Room G062. This dedicated lactation space in the Gill Heart & Vascular Institute is located inside the Gill Building (Pavilion G) on the ground floor near Gill Imaging/A-elevators.
This room is accessible to UK Hospital employees 24/7, and non-hospital employees/guests/visitors from 7 a.m. - 7 pm Monday-Friday.
There is an electrical outlet, couch, table, and access to running water. No reservations are needed.
Good Samaritan Hospital, rooms B103A and B140
This lactation spaces are located in Room B103A, across from the Security/ID Badge Office on the 1st floor, and in Room B140, which has two stations and a mini fridge.
Contact and reservations: You can access this room via a key code, and it is available by calling the Administration Office and talking to Lauren Henley at 859-323-8801 or asking Security for access by calling (859) 323-6156.
Healthy Kentucky Research Building, room 305
Room 305 - Lactation Room
Contact and reservations: The room is unlocked unless it is in use. No reservations are necessary.
- Accessible to the public
- Chair, sink, and refrigerator for storage
- Regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Contact Jennifer Beard ( for more information.
Kentucky Clinic, room K008
This lactation space is on the ground floor of the Kentucky Clinic in room K008.
You can access this room 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday – Friday; it is closed on the weekends. To use the room, stop by the information desk on the first floor of the Kentucky Clinic (Limestone entrance) and sign-out the key; please return this key to the information desk after you leave.
Contact and reservations: Kentucky Clinic Information Desk located on the first floor (Limestone entrance) at (859) 257-9805. Reservations can be made in person at the Information Desk.
Kentucky Tobacco Research and Development Center, room 207
This dedicated lactation space is located past the first set of doors in the 2nd floor women's restroom in room number 207. The building's street address is 1401 University Drive. There is a locking door for the lactation space, in addition to the doors separating it from the hall and the main part of the women's restroom. There is an occupied/vacant sign on the door.
Contact and reservations: For more information, call (859) 257-5151. No reservations are needed.
Patterson Office Tower, room 214A
This lactation space is located in Patterson Office Tower 214A (second floor).
You can access the room via the kitchen between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. This space is closed on the weekends. No key is needed since the door locks from the inside. You are welcome to stop by POT 273 or 202 in the Dean’s office to have someone show you the room.
For questions and reservations, contact Jennifer White at (859) 257-4727 or
The Cornerstone, Room 114
This location is on the corner of Limestone and Bolivar. It is available based on The Cornerstone building hours. The room is equipped with a sink, table, chair, and baby changing table. There is no refrigerator, and users must supply their own pump. No key is needed. Reservation is not necessary.
UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital - Pavilion A, lactation spaces
UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital - Pavilion A, lactation spaces
There are quiet rooms/lactation rooms available between floors 5-10. Please see unit/floor clerk for assistance to access the rooms. Mothers must bring their own pumps and supplies.
Both quiet rooms and lactation rooms can be used for lactation. Lactation rooms are given preference for lactation purposes only. To access the 9th floor rooms, you can sign out a badge access card at the information desk located on the second floor in the Children’s Hospital near the entrance to Pav A and then take the elevator up to the 9th floor. Also, staff can badge visitors through the ICU doors and into any lactation room.
NICU, HA1284
5th Floor – 5-173 (Lactation Room), 5-276 (Lactation Room)
6th Floor – a.06-173 (Lactation Room)
7th Floor – 7-180 & 7-280 (Quiet Rooms with mother/baby picture on outside)
8th Floor – 8-180 (Lactation Room), 8-280 (Quiet Room), 8-173 (Quiet Room)
9th Floor – 9-173 (Lactation Room), 9-273 (Quiet Room)
10th Floor – 10-176 (Quiet Room), 10-276 (Lactation Room)
UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital, room N301G
This lactation space is located in room N301G, and is easily accessible by taking Elevator C to the third floor.
You can access this room 24/7 except for some holidays. The room is closed each day between 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. for cleaning.
The room remains unlocked, but please go to the nursing station down the hall if you cannot open the door. There are two pumping stations separated by curtains and partitions.
Medela Symphony hospital grade pumps are available, but mothers will need to bring their own tubing.
Contact: Lactation Department, (859) 323-4880 or beeper: (859) 330-6396
Reservations are not available.
UK HealthCare at Turfland
This dedicated lactation space is located on the 2nd floor in the Family & Community Medicine Administration office suite.
Registration staff and Wayfinding Ambassadors can direct you to the Family Medicine suite. The front desk staff within the suite can direct you to the room or ring the bell for assistance. You must bring your own pump and supplies. Contact: Kristin Green at Reservation is not needed.
William R. Willard Medical Sciences Building
The William R. Willard Medical Sciences Building lactation space is located in room MN601. This building is next to the UK Hospital Pav H. This space has a sink, recliner, side table, electrical outlet, and locking door. Single occupancy that is kept unlocked unless in use. Contact Ann Emerson at if you have questions about this space.
W.T. Young Library, room B-64
Available hours are based upon the W.T. Young Library building hours. The room is equipped with hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and has wireless Internet access. There is no sink or refrigerator, and users must supply their own pump. Room users are asked to limit their visit to one hour. Patrons can request a key to the lactation room at the circulation desk on the first floor. Please contact Terri Brown at or (859) 218-1899 for any questions.
Reach out to our office for information on programming and resources for working parents.
Contact our office
Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(859) 257-2648