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Employee Relations guides University Human Resources Policies and Procedures and consults with employees, managers and administrators on a variety of workplace issues.

Employee Relations provides consultative and coaching resources. In coaching, we don’t bring the answers. We facilitate a system for helping our clients discover the answers.

Our goal is to encourage a positive work environment, build positive relationships, promote mutual respect and provide an environment that supports our colleagues’ growth and development in their role.

We assist in assessing the situation, identifying core issues of concern and setting realistic goals. We discuss strategies for moving toward those goals, helping to identify barriers and opportunities along the way. We role-play, discuss the “options” and continue as a resource throughout the process.

When consulting with employees, we may assist with structuring a conversation with their supervisor regarding a concern or situation they may have, breaking it down into manageable pieces and continuing as a resource after the initial interaction.

When consulting with managers or administrators, we may assist with identifying a core issue of concern, setting reasonable expectations and goals, and mapping a path to achieve those goals. We remain a resource throughout the process.

We work with you as partners, not enforcers. We support and collaborate with our clients, bearing in mind the final decision rests with them.

Consultation may include:

  • Policy interpretation
  • HR best practices
  • Communication strategies
  • Targeted training/education
  • Reorganization assistance
  • Performance management guidance
  • Investigative analysis
  • Separation from employment

Contact Employee Relations

Frequently asked questions

I would like to discuss some work-related issues. What is the best way to do this?

You may contact the Employee Relations Office regarding any work-related issues you may have. We will discuss the issues over the telephone or set up an appointment.

Where can I view a copy of Human Resources Policy and Procedures?

Am I required to give a notice to my department if I decide to accept another position at the University or leave the University? If so, how much?

Yes, all employees are required to give appropriate notice in order to transfer within or leave the University. Generally, if you are an employee who is paid bi-weekly, you are required to give two weeks notice. If you are an employee who is paid monthly, you are required to give four weeks notice. If you are a hospital employee, all of whom are paid bi-weekly, you must look at your job classification to determine the required notice. In general, office and clerical, service and maintenance, and scientific and technical employees are required to give two weeks notice. Professional employees, including RN's, are required to give four weeks notice. To verify your job classification, please contact your supervisor. If you have any further questions, please contact the Employee Relations Office. (For additional information, Click here for HRP&P #12: Separation from Employment.)

How do I obtain information regarding Family and Medical Leave?

Click on the following links for more information about Family and Medical Leave: FML Policy, FML FormFMLA Brochure

How long is new regular staff employee orientation?

New regular staff employee orientation is 90 calendar days long and may be extended one time up to an additional 90 calendar days. A limited number of specific positions must serve a longer orientation period. (For further information, Click here for HRP&P #8: Staff Orientation.)

I am a current employee of the University who is transferring to a new position, is there an orientation period?

Yes, current staff employees transferring into a new position must serve a transfer orientation period. You shall serve an orientation period up to 90 calendar days, which may be extended one time up to an additional 90 calendar days. (For further information, Click here for HRP&P #8: Staff Orientation.)

How much vacation time do I receive?

You accrue vacation leave only if you are a regular staff employee with a FTE of 0.5 or greater. Your job classification and length of service determine vacation accruals. Please check with your supervisor to verify your job classification, length of service, and amount of vacation leave you should receive on an annual basis. If you work less than full-time (1.0 FTE) but at least 0.5 FTE in a regular staff position, your accrual rate will be adjusted accordingly. If you have any further questions please contact the Employee Relations Office.(For further information, Click here for HRP&P #80: Vacation Leave.)

How much sick leave (Temporary Disability Leave) do I receive?

Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) accrues at the rate of one day per month for regular full-time employees who are paid on a monthly basis.  TDL accrues at the rate of 0.46 day per pay period for regular full-time employees who are paid on a bi-weekly basis. If you work less than 1.0 FTE but at least 0.5 FTE in a regular staff position, your accrual rate will be adjusted accordingly. If you have any further questions, please contact the Employee Relations Office. (For further information, Click here for HRP&P 82.0: Temporary Disability Leave.)

Can I use my sick leave (TDL) for someone other than myself?

TDL for necessary time off due to an illness or injury of a family member may be used in accordance with HRP&P #82. For the purposes of this policy, a family member is defined as: a. Spouse, b. Sponsored adult dependent, c. Child, d. Sponsored child dependent, e. Grandchild, f. Mother/Father, g. Grandmother/Grandfather (Note: b. - g. include steps, halves and in-laws of the same relationship as well as relations created by sponsored adult dependent status) h. Brother/Sister, i. Aunt/Uncle, j. Niece/Nephew, (Note: i. - j. include relationships created by marriage or sponsored adult dependent status) k. Legal dependent of the employee, l. Other persons with whom the employee has a "loco parentis" relationship.

If you have any further question please call the Employee Relations Office. (For further information, Click here for HRP&P #82: Temporary Disability Leave.)

Does the University have a funeral leave policy?

Yes, the amount of leave depends upon your relationship to the deceased. Please review the policy at the link below and contact the Employee Relations Office if you have further questions. (For further information, Click here for HRP&P #84: Funeral Leave.)

What holidays does the University recognize?

The University recognizes the following legal holidays to be observed by the closing of all departments and offices except where continuous service is essential: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Presidential Election Day (every four years), Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving (except for UK Healthcare employees) and Christmas Day. (For further information, Click here for HRP&P #83 Holiday Leave.)


June 26, 2023

STEPS employees help fill needed roles

The University of Kentucky employs more than 16,000 full-time regular staff and faculty.  But when positions become open, it sometimes becomes necessary to fill a role immediately. That’s where STEPS temporary employment can help.   Diana Pérez La Rotta is an Administrative Support Associate II for the College of Social Work and supports the hiring process within her college. She has posted about 30 positions through STEPS since joining the college a little over a year ago.