University-wide Navigation
  • Upload a great profile picture: Your profile picture should be recent and look like you. A professional headshot works best, and you have access to free headshots as a UK employee.  
  • Add your pronouns: Including your pronouns is important in today’s work environment. It helps avoid awkwardness and shows your commitment to inclusivity. 
  • Set a background photo: Use a background photo that aligns with your professional brand. It could be an image related to your industry or a simple, clean design. Canva can be an excellent free resource for a background.  
  • Create a great headline: Your headline appears right below your name. Make it attention-grabbing by highlighting your skills. Although you have more space, general guidance is 10 to 15 impactful words. 
  • Tell your story: Use the summary section to share your professional journey, passions and goals. Be authentic and engaging. 
  • Keep it updated: Just like your resume, regularly update your profile to reflect your current role, skills and accomplishments. Bonus points for recommendations.  
  • Highlight your skills: Add relevant skills to your profile. You can also seek endorsements from colleagues to validate your expertise. 
  • Share relevant content: Post articles, updates or industry-related content to highlight your knowledge and engage with your network. Regularly share professional updates, articles or insights to stay visible in your network. 
  • Stay connected: Connect with everyone you know; colleagues, classmates and industry professionals. LinkedIn is all about networking. It does you no good to have a perfect profile that no one sees. 
  • Go public: Adjust your privacy settings to allow public visibility. This helps you connect with more professionals. 
  • Keep your location updated: Ensure your location reflects where you currently work or reside. 
  • Keep learning:  Use LinkedIn Learning (a free benefit for UK employees). Just put LinkedIn profile in the search bar and many great options will appear.  
Explore our toolkit

Self-service tools are available to help explore job opportunities, build your resume and cover letter, prepare for interviews, use LinkedIn Learning and more.