University-wide Navigation
  • Sign up to receive an email of job postings in your area of interest. 
  • Find UK’s university page on LinkedIn and sign up to receive new job postings. 
  • Set a weekly calendar reminder to view all the job postings you have found and make a list of the jobs that interest you. 
  • Make a list of the skills and certifications those jobs require. Do you need to “upskill” (improve existing skills) or “reskill” (add new skills)?  
  • What are the top three skills you need to start with?   
  • What resources do you have access to? These might include: 
  • Professional development opportunities within your department 
  • Choose one of these resources to explore each week or month depending on your time frame for a move.  
  • Build your network. Start identifying people you can talk to and groups you can join to get advice and find new opportunities. You want to start building new relationships. Is there a professional association you can join or an event you can attend?    
  • Explore opportunities with your manager. Will your manager be willing and able to help you?  Is there a way you can learn additional skills or take on more responsibility in your current job?  Be prepared before you speak to your manager and understand your relationship.  
  • Develop your application materials. Do you need help from the Career Consultant with your resume, cover letter or the application process?  If not, is everything up to date? The application form is important. Fill out all fields completely, even if the information is already on your resume. Make sure each position, even if it is within the same company, has a different entry.  
  • You will not necessarily have an advantage over external candidates. Make sure you follow all the application requirements just like external candidates. Also, fully answer position specific questions.  
  • Prepare for interviews. Preparation is key!  Practice with the Career Consultant or others who have a background in interviewing. Practice behavioral-based questions based on the job description. Search common interview questions and be prepared. “Why are you looking to make change in UK? What is one weakness?” Know the department for which you are interviewing.   
  • Did it go well? If so, congratulations!  If you feel like you need practice or to discuss interview strategies contact the Career Consultant.  
  • New job?  Remember to finish strong before you transition to your new role.  
Explore our toolkit

Self-service tools are available to help explore job opportunities, build your resume and cover letter, prepare for interviews, use LinkedIn Learning and more.