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A regular staff employee may be authorized special leave from University employment for reasons other than those normally provided by other policies within this Personnel A.R. The primary consideration for authorizing such special leave shall be that it serves the best interest of the University of Kentucky.



Special leaves may include leaves for reasons such as necessary additional education, care of a relative in the immediate family (provided temporary disability leave is not applicable), attendance at a professional meeting, or service temporarily with an outside agency. Other special leaves may be considered, as requested, whenever special circumstances exist not otherwise provided in these policies.

Upon written request, a special leave without pay for a reasonable period not to exceed six (6) weeks shall be granted to an employee when the reception of an adoptive child under the age of seven (7) is the reason for such request.


Accrued temporary disability leave may be applicable for up to five (5) days of the reasonable period for adoptive parent leave. See 82.1.14. For leave with pay when receiving an adoptive child, an employee may request vacation leave. See Policy 80.0.



The President or, for employees of the sectors, the appropriate chancellor may grant special leave with pay for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. A leave of absence with pay for more than thirty (30) days must be approved by the Board of Trustees.



The President or, for employees of the sectors, the appropriate chancellor may approve special leave without pay. Ordinarily such leave shall not be granted for a period in excess of one (1) year.





The department head is responsible for receiving and evaluating requests for special leaves and for forwarding these requests, accompanied by a memorandum with the department head's recommendation, to the appropriate University official.





The department head may recommend a special leave by contacting the sector personnel office and submitting the appropriate documentation.



The sector chief personnel officer or the Administrator for Personnel Policy and Procedures shall forward requests for special leave to the chancellor or the President, as appropriate, for a decision.



If the request is for a special leave with pay for more than thirty (30) days, and if the request is approved by the President, the request shall be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for approval.



The department head shall notify the affected staff employee of the decision for special leave.



Upon commencement and return from a special leave, the department head shall submit a PAR indicating the type of special leave and information regarding vacation or temporary disability leave and other benefits of length of service as applicable.