Finding breastfeeding support
Use these available resources to find the support for your breastfeeding and lactation needs.
Your Health Care Provider, Benefits and Tips
- UK HealthCare Breastfeeding Support Services
- CDC breastfeeding guidelines and FAQs
- CDC Guidance Guidelines & Recommendations | Breastfeeding | CDC
- CDC Proper storage and preparation of breastmilk Proper Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk | Breastfeeding | CDC
- Baby-friendly USA Baby-Friendly USA ~ Upholding the Highest Standards of Infant Feeding Care (babyfriendlyusa.org)
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Programs
- Lexington-Fayette County Health Department WIC Program Women, Infants, and Children – Lexington-Fayette County Health Department (lfchd.org)
- Lexington-Fayette County Health Department Breastfeeding Support Services – Lexington-Fayette County Health Department (lfchd.org)
- Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services
- Kentucky WIC information WIC - Cabinet for Health and Family Services (ky.gov)
La Leche League
Resources At UK
Mommy and Me Breastfeeding Clinic
This clinic is a free service available to all moms who would like to breastfeed and are interested in having a breastfeeding assessment performed by Kentucky Children's Hospital providers. During your visit, the baby will be weighed and examined and a physician and lactation consultant will work with the new mom to develop a plan to meet her breastfeeding needs. For appointments, call 859-323-6211
Clinic hours: Monday-Friday 12:45-3:15 p.m.
Cost: varies based on health coverage; insurance is billed.
Location: Kentucky Clinic South, 2400 Greatstone Point, Lexington
Nursing Your Infant Class
This class focuses on the advantages of breastfeeding, proper positioning and latch-on, guidelines for adequate breastfeeding and how to prevent and resolve discomfort. Fathers or support persons are encouraged to attend. This class is taught by a certified lactation consultant. Call 859-323-2750 to register.
Class times: Thursdays 6:30-9 p.m.
Cost: $25 per couple
Location: UK Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Office Building, 125 E. Maxwell, Suite 140, Lexington
Building Healthy Families
Anthem is offering the new Building Healthy Families (formerly Future Mom) comprehensive resource through the UK health insurance plan. It offers 24/7 access to personalized prenatal through post pregnancy content including digital tools, live health coaches, a library of educational articles and videos, access to a maternity nurse, and lactation support through the SydneySM Health mobile app or on anthem.com. This convenient hub offers an extensive collection of tools and information to help you navigate your family’s unique journey. For additional information, contact Anthem at 1-855-634-3383.
Kentucky Breastfeeding Support
- Kentucky (usbreastfeeding.org)
- Kentuckiana Lactation Improvement Coalition KLIC Breastfeeding 859-287-2996
- Lactation Improvement Network of Kentucky Inc. 859-373-9457
Kentucky Laws
- KY Breastfeeding law in public statute.aspx (ky.gov)
- KY Breastfeeding law at work bill.pdf (ky.gov)
- Kentucky Pregnant Workers Act (KY PWA)(SB 18) bill.pdf (ky.gov)