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Normal operations of the University (except the University Hospital) and the Lexington Community College (L.C.C.) may be curtailed by declaration of the President of the University, or designee. Normal operations may be curtailed for unusual conditions such as severe weather, fuel shortages, or other calamities.

  71.1.1 When normal operations are curtailed, regular full-time and half-time employees, who are not required to work, will be paid for their normally scheduled work hours. Employees on vacation, temporary disability or special leave(s) will not be entitled to the provisions of this policy.
  71.1.2. Regular full-time and half-time employees required to work during a period when normal operations are curtailed shall receive time off with pay on another scheduled work day. With due consideration to the wishes of the employees and to the needs of the department, department officials may either pay employees for the period when normal operations are curtailed or give compensatory time off. (This paid leave does not count as hours worked for purposes of computing eligibility for overtime).
  71.1.3 Employees who are required to work during a period of emergency but do not report for work as scheduled, shall be subject to appropriate corrective action, to include dismissal.
  71.1.4 Temporary employees shall not receive compensatory time off with pay during a University emergency. However any of these employees who work during an emergency shall be paid the normal wage rate for each hour worked.
  71.1.5 Operations of the University Hospital are essential and remain functional at all times. All employees of the University Hospital are essential and shall report to work as scheduled. Any emergency condition of the University shall have no effect on the University Hospital schedule. Employees of the University Hospital who do not report to work as scheduled shall be subject to appropriate corrective action, to include dismissal.
71.2 Delegation
  71.2.1 The Provost, vice presidents, deans, and directors shall designate essential functions within their areas of responsibility which will operate even though other normal operations may be curtailed, and shall promulgate emergency plans to maintain the operation of these functions. Responsibility for advance preparation, appropriate implementation, scheduling and announcing emergency operations staff for essential functions is delegated to the department heads.
71.3 Procedures
  71.3.1 Announcement of a University emergency when employees may be away from work will normally be made through the local broadcast media, UK TV Cable Channel 16, UK Infoline, 257-5686, or the UK web site at
  71.3.2 If the operation is designated as one to remain open during an emergency, department heads will prepare and post or otherwise promulgate to employees the schedule to be implemented.
  71.3.3 Absences during an emergency are reported for payroll purposes as working time under the employee's normal earnings code, unless the working unit is affected by plans described in this policy for essential operations.
  71.3.4 For nonexempt staff employees, the compensatory time off with pay for working during an emergency, as described in 71.1.3 within this policy, will be designated on the employee time record that is completed for the pay period during which the compensatory time off with pay occurs.