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The University strives to recruit and select the best qualified candidates to support the University’s vision and mission. This commitment provides for equal opportunity in recruitment, appointment, promotion, payment, training, and other personnel practices without regard to race, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, color, creed, religion, age (40 and above), political belief, or national origin. The University does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of Vietnam-era veteran status, disabled veteran status or physical or mental disability in regard to any position for which the staff employee or employment applicant otherwise meets minimum qualifications (see Part XII A. of the Governing Regulations). The University does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because the individual is a smoker or nonsmoker, as long as the person complies with the University policy concerning smoking. However, this regulation does not require the provision of employee benefits to an employee for the benefit of any person other than a spouse or child of the employee.



In accordance with Governing Regulation VIII A.1, non-faculty employees may be appointed by the President, the Provost, or by the appropriate vice president upon recommendation of the appropriate hiring process coordinator(s).

  10.2.1 In accordance with Administrative Regulation I-1.0-1, the Provost or vice presidents are responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff personnel within their area. The Provost or vice presidents may delegate selection to an appropriate hiring process coordinator(s).

NOTE: In this policy, the person to whom the Provost or a vice president delegates selection responsibilities shall be referred to as a “hiring process coordinator.”

  10.2.2 Human Resources provides administrative support for the staff recruitment function to departments, unless the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Information Technology delegates the recruitment function to a unit. In units exercising delegated responsibilities for recruiting, a designated hiring process coordinator shall maintain a file copy of advertisement(s), applications, interview contacts, salary determinations, job offers, and affirmative action tracking.
  10.2.3 Persons employed in temporary positions shall be hired consistent with the provisions in HRP&P 17.0.
  10.2.4 All appointments to levels 47 through 49 shall be reported to the Board of Trustees and levels 50 or above shall be appointed, acting on the recommendation of the President, in accordance with Governing Regulation VIII A.1.
  10.2.5 An employee is eligible for reasonable time off with pay for seeking a transfer within the University.
  10.2.6 To be eligible for transfer, a regular half-time or full-time staff employee must have at least six (6) months of employment and a satisfactory record of performance in the employee’s present position. Under unusual circumstances, the six (6) months may be waived by the Director of Human Resources, or designee. The six (6) months transfer policy is applicable to an employee terminating and being rehired for the sole purpose of circumventing this policy.
10.3 Procedure

Employment Requisition

An employment requisition shall be completed electronically in the Online Employment System when a staff position is to be filled (see 10.4.1). The Provost or a vice president may establish approval procedures for employment requisitions within their areas of responsibility. Employment requisitions shall be submitted to the Employment Office of Human Resources through the Online Employment System. Upon receipt, the employment requisition will be processed for posting and assigned to an employment specialist in the Employment Office. The employment specialists shall initiate contact with the hiring process coordinator from the hiring unit.


Recruitment Action Plan

The assigned employment specialist shall collaborate with the hiring process coordinator to develop the Recruitment Action Plan including but not limited to advertising, search methods, and screening. During the development of a Recruitment Action Plan, the University’s Strategic Plan, Affirmative Action Plan, and state and federal requirements shall be considered. The Recruitment Action Plan may be revised, as appropriate.

  10.3.3 Online Employment System The Employment Office shall be responsible for posting notices of job vacancies in accordance with the employment requisition. The notices of job vacancies shall be posted on the Online Employment System on the University World Wide Web site. After a posting period of a minimum of seven (7) calendar days from the initial posting date, an employment specialist may begin developing a referral pool of applications and attached resumes (if any) through the Online Employment System.
  10.3.4 Advertising In appropriate circumstances and in accordance with the Recruitment Action Plan, advertising shall be coordinated by the Employment Office. Advertisements shall be in a standardized format and shall comply with state and federal laws and regulations. Advertisements shall contain an equal opportunity statement. The following statement is recommended: “University of Kentucky is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from minorities and women.” After the expiration of the advertising deadline, a referral pool of applications and attached resumes (if any) shall be compiled and sent by the employment specialist to the hiring process coordinator through the Online Employment System.
  10.3.5 Application Status Persons seeking a staff position shall have a current application on the Online Employment System in order to apply for any staff position.


An applicant for a specific position is an individual who (1) submits an application through the Online Employment System, (2) is eligible for employment at the University of Kentucky, (3) meets the requirements of education and experience for the specific position, and (4) confirms an interest in the specific position.


Representative Pool

The Employment Office shall determine if there is a representative pool of applicants. The pool shall be in accordance with equal opportunity and the Affirmative Action Plan.

  10.3.8 Screening and Referral of Applicants The Employment Office shall screen applicants based on the Recruitment Action Plan and refer individuals who meet or exceed the minimum requirements for the specific position to the hiring process coordinator. Hiring process coordinators shall indicate an interview status and shall provide a reason (“Not Hired Reason”) in the Online Employment System for not hiring each applicant.


In accordance with Governing Regulations VIII A.1, the appointment shall be made upon the recommendation of the appropriate hiring process coordinator(s).



Official notice of appointment for staff positions shall be made by Human Resources.

10.4 I-9 Policy


The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires employers to verify that each person hired is authorized to work in the United States. Employees hired since November 7, 1986, are affected by the law. It is the University’s responsibility to ensure that the identity and the employment eligibility of all persons employed by the University have been reviewed and that they are eligible for employment.



The University requires all new hires to complete an I-9 form on or before the first day of employment. Timely completion of an I-9 form is a condition of employment. Non-US citizens are required to maintain a valid work authorization and provide updates in a timely manner. Failure to comply with these procedures will result in immediate termination of employment.



The hiring department is responsible for informing all employees that they will not be permitted to work or be placed on payroll until an I-9 form has been completed. A Human Resources or other designated representative will be responsible for ensuring the documentation is proper and authentic and the I-9 form is completely accurate.

The hiring department should instruct new employees to bring proper documentation when they report to complete the I-9 form. A list of approved documentation is detailed on the back of the I-9 form and can also be found at's.html. Upon completion of all sections of the I-9, Human Resources or the designated representative shall give the employee the I-9 and instruct the employee to return it to the hiring department along with attached documentation, if required. Upon receipt, the hiring department submits the I-9 Form with the Payroll Authorization Form to Compensation.

No employee will be permitted to work or receive a University paycheck unless a current, valid I-9 form has been completed by a Human Resources or other designated representative.



If an US citizen is rehired at the University within one year, the I-9 form remains valid. If it has been over one year since one was separated from the University, a new I-9 form must be completed for the former employee. A non-US citizen must complete and I-9 form every time the non-US citizen is re- employed at the University, since ones visa may have expired or the type of visa may have changed.

Employees hired prior to November 1986 were not required to complete an I-9 form. However, if such an employee separates and returns to the University, as a new hire including retirees who return either through Temporary Employment or a post-retirement assignment, an I-9 form must be completed for the employee.

10.5 Forms for Employment
  10.5.1 Online Employment System Employment Requisition
  10.5.2 Online Employment System Staff Employment Application
  • All archived versions of this policy