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The University recognizes that former regular staff employees with a full-time equivalent (FTE) of 0.5 or greater may be recalled or rehired to a University position or may elect to reapply for University employment. Under certain conditions defined within this policy and within one year (365 days) from the date of separation, a recalled, rehired or reemployed employee shall have certain benefits reinstated to them.


1) Recall

An employee “laid off” shall be eligible for recall by the department. To be eligible for reinstatement, the recalled employee shall return to the same position within one year of the layoff date.

  1. If more than one employee has been laid off and a fewer number of positions are reactivated, the department shall consult with the Associate Vice President of Human resources, or designee, to determine the sequence of recall.
  2. If the recallable employee refuses the offer of employment, the employee shall no longer be eligible for recall.

2) Rehire

    a.   A rehired employee is an employee who was:

  1. Involuntarily separated from employment (exhaustion of funds, position eliminated, etc.),
  2. Separated not for cause,
  3. Not anticipated to be recalled,
  4. Separated in good standing, and who
  5. Returns to University employment to a position other than the position from which the employee was laid off and returns to University employment within one year (365 days) from the date of separation.


3) Reemployment

To be eligible for reinstatement of benefits an employee must have had satisfactory performance and continuous employment for at least two years upon leaving the University, have voluntarily left the University in good standing and return to University employment within one year (365 days) of the last date of employment. Reinstatement of benefits shall be as follows:

  1. The balance of unused temporary disability leave at the date of separation from employment shall be restored, with no accrual added for the period of separation;
  2. The new service date is used for determining the accrual of vacation and eligibility of service awards, retirement eligibility and retirement vesting;
  3. The new service date shall be determined by adjusting the original hire date of employment by the time the employee was not employed by the University;

[Example: If the time period between the separation and the reemployment is four months, an original employment date of April 4, 1997 would be adjusted to August 4, 1997.]

  • The most recent reemployment date is used to determine eligibility for benefits such as long term disability coverage; and
  • The employee may immediately enroll and be eligible to receive the University’s contribution toward retirement.
  • The salary of a reemployed employee shall be determined in accordance with HRP&P 30.0 Compensation Administration.

4)  A recalled, rehired or reemployed employee shall have benefits reinstated as follows:

  1. Benefits are restored based upon the original employment date. The period of time the employee was not employed by the University does not count toward eligibility or restoration of benefits, or toward time for credit for retirement and leave eligibility calculation.
  2. The original date of employment is used for determining accrual of vacation leave and eligibility for service awards.
  3. The balance of temporary disability leave at the time of the layoff shall be restored, with no accrual added for the period of separation.
  4. Eligibility for employee benefits is based on the original employment date and the employee’s new status, but with no reimbursement or back payment to the staff employee for the cost of these benefits during the period of separation.

The salary of a recalled or rehired employee shall be in accordance with Human Resource Policy and Procedure (HRP&P) 30.0 Compensation Administration


Determination of the eligibility for reinstatement of benefits for a recalled, rehired, or reemployed employee is the responsibility of the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, or designee.

1) The Human Resources Office of Employment (Employment Office) shall determine the eligibility of a former employee to be reinstated as recalled, rehired or reemployed.

  1. The hiring department shall notify the Employment Office of the reactivation of a position from which an employee was laid off.
  2. The Employment Office shall notify the appropriate employee to be recalled.

2) The department head or designee is responsible for activating the employee in the University’s centralized resource information system. A memorandum to the Associate Vice President of Human Resources shall accompany the Payroll Authorization Record (PAR) print screen and shall request approval of reinstatement of benefits and, if necessary determination of a service date.

3) The Human Resources Office of Compensation shall verify and approve eligibility for reinstatement.

4) The employing department shall reestablish leave records on the basis of the approved reinstatement in conjunction with the Human Resources Office of Employee Relations.

5) The employee is responsible for re-enrolling, within 30 days of employment, in the benefit programs such as life insurance, health care coverage and retirement.