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The University’s performance evaluation system is called Performance Evaluation (PE) and offers a consistent approach and operating philosophy for providing feedback and assessment of employee performance through annual evaluation.

  61.1.1 Performance assessments shall occur, as appropriate, under the provisions of the following: Human Resources Policy and Procedure 61.0: Performance Evaluation and/or Human Resources Policy and Procedure 62.0: Corrective Action.
  61.1.2 The University's performance evaluation system is designed to (1) promote and document performance assessments based on essential job functions and clear, realistic job standards, and (2) promote high level of employee performance through consistent feedback from supervisors via annual performance assessments.


The responsibility for the University's performance evaluation system lies with the department heads and supervisors.

61.3 Procedure
  61.3.1 Performance Evaluation

Evaluation is an on-going process that results in a year-end review. The first two steps of a performance evaluation review are as follows: (1) a review of the employee’s performance during the last review period is conducted by the supervisor, and (2) a review of the essential functions of the position held by each employee and the amount of time spent performing each function of the respective job will be conducted jointly by the employee and supervisor. If changes are necessary, adjustments to the Job Analysis Questionnaire for the position will be made to reflect the changes to the position as appropriate. A Performance Evaluation Form, consisting of specific essential job functions with related job standards, shall be prepared by the supervisor with additions or revisions made jointly with the employee. Completion of the form is the responsibility of the supervisor. (see HRP&P An optional self-evaluation may be completed and submitted to the supervisor by the employee. The supervisor completes the performance evaluation of the employee and reviews that evaluation with higher level(s) of management prior to discussion with the employee. The supervisor then holds the year-end performance evaluation meeting with the employee. As applicable, the annual pay increase is determined and subsequently communicated to the employee by the appropriate administrator. Pay adjustments shall normally take effect July 1 or October 1, as appropriate. The higher-level supervisor or department chair/head will sign the PE form. The PE form is signed by the supervisor and the employee at the time of discussion of the form's contents. If the employee does not receive a performance evaluation following guidelines established in this policy, the employee should appeal compliance through the appropriate chain of command. The employee's signature indicates that the employee has read the form, but does not necessarily indicate the employee's agreement with its content. The employee may complete the self-evaluation and attach it to the PE form. The employee may address questions or concerns about the content of the evaluation form with the appropriate supervisor. If issues are not resolved, then the employee may follow departmental chain of command to resolve PE form content issues.

NOTE: Dissatisfaction with the content of the Performance Evaluation is not a formal grievable issue. (see HRP&P If the employee receives an unacceptable rating (less than three) on any essential job function, a performance improvement plan shall be completed for that employee. The supervisor shall meet with the employee on an ongoing basis to provide regular feedback and coaching on performance issues for a period of thirty (30) to ninety (90) days. After this period of time, the supervisor shall re-evaluate that plan to ensure that steps have been taken to improve performance in relevant areas.
  61.3.2 Feedback and Coaching Feedback and coaching should occur on an ongoing basis and at the optional mid-year review. The purpose of feedback and coaching is to provide supervisors with an opportunity to recognize effective performance and provide coaching for improvement. As a part of the feedback and coaching components, employees are encouraged to gather informal feedback as appropriate throughout the year. An employee should seek ongoing feedback from a supervisor and others as appropriate throughout the year. Supervisors should provide timely feedback to motivate employees toward improved performance. The mid-year review is an optional progress meeting which should provide an opportunity for supervisors and employees to discuss and update job standards set at the beginning of the year and focus on employee performance to date.
  • All archived versions of this policy