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The appraisal of the staff employee's performance of duties and responsibilities is the responsibility of the employee's supervisors and department head. This responsibility includes developing the staff employee's competence in the job and communicating a fair and frank evaluation of the performance to that staff employee.



The University will expect a written report at least one (1) time annually of this performance evaluation, documenting information used to verbally inform each regular staff employee of the employee's performance evaluation.

For any transferred employee who has not had a performance appraisal completed within the six (6) months before the transfer, the supervisor in the department from which the employee transferred must complete a performance appraisal when the transferred employee leaves that department.



A system of performance appraisal is recommended by the sector personnel office to support performance evaluations as a management method for fostering self-improvement, based on the feedback contained in the performance evaluations.

This system of performance appraisal utilizes the staff employee performance evaluation document prepared by the immediate supervisor. This document reports how the staff employee has progressed and personally developed during a specified period of time.

It is recommended, in order to support such documentation, that agreement be reached between the staff employee and the immediate supervisor as to the expectations and objectives for the period of time to be evaluated.

The documentation of the performance evaluation formalizes the achievement of expectations and objectives, as agreed earlier, and will show progress as the supervisor utilizes the agreements periodically during the time period to be evaluated as a subject of discussion with the staff employee.



A second and equally important purpose of written performance evaluations is to record permanently how well the regular staff employee performs the work during a specified period of time. This performance evaluation report will be used in consideration of future opportunities and actions during the career of the staff employee.




Performance appraisal, normally the responsibility of the immediate supervisor, is to measure and document the performance of a staff employee.





Each regular staff employee will have a written performance evaluation completed annually. The performance appraisal normally is completed during January; however, a department head may complete the performance appraisal annually on the employee's anniversary date or at the conclusion of each academic or fiscal year.

There shall be a recommended form provided as standard acceptable documentation of performance evaluation.

Utilization of a different form for the purpose of performance evaluation shall be approved by the sector personnel office prior to its use.

Utilization of a written, narrative performance evaluation is acceptable, provided the evaluator first consults with the sector personnel office for approval and for instructions as to minimum contents of such an evaluation.



Upon completion of the performance appraisal, the staff employee shall be given the opportunity to review the performance appraisal and indicate in writing agreement or disagreement with the appraiser's evaluation. The employee's comments will become a part of the performance appraisal. One copy of the performance appraisal shall be forwarded to the sector personnel office to become a part of the employee's personnel file.



The performance appraisal for a transferred employee who had not had a performance appraisal completed within six (6) months of the transfer will be completed by the supervisor of the department from which the employee transferred and forwarded to the sector personnel office with the transfer PAR.





Performance Appraisal Form (2 forms)

  • All archived versions of this policy