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4.1 Policy
  4.1.1 The University’s work force consists of faculty and staff employees. A staff employee is any employee of the University of Kentucky except the following: Faculty who hold an academic rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor or other rank that is equivalent to one of these recognized ranks in the University System (Lexington Campus and Medical Center) or an academic rank of Instructor in the Community College System, Assistant Professor in the Community College System, Associate Professor in the Community College System, Professor in the Community College System or other rank that is equivalent to these recognized ranks in the Community College System and whose primary [i.e., more than fifty percent (50%)] assignments are in teaching, research, and/or public service (see University Governing Regulations, Part VII.A.2 and University Administrative Regulations, AR II-1.0-1 and AR II-5.0-2). Postdoctoral scholars and postdoctoral fellows as defined in AR II-4.0-1 (post doctoral scholars may have dual status, i.e., that of staff and that of student, whereas, postdoctoral fellows have only one status, that of students). Residents and clinical fellows as defined in AR II-7.0-7 (residents and clinical fellows have dual status, i.e., that of staff and that of student). Teaching and research assistants as defined in AR II-1.0-7 (teaching and research assistants may have dual status, i.e., that of staff and that of student). Lecturers as defined in AR II-1.0-1.
  4.1.2 Staff employees are either regular or temporary. All staff employment is at will. A regular staff employee is one whose position has been established and classified as a regular position in accordance with the procedures of HRP&P 30.0. Regular positions are those positions which have the following characteristics: A position that is funded on a recurring basis or is expected to be funded for one year or longer, and A position that has an employment period of at least nine (9) months, year after year. A temporary staff employee is an employee in a position designated as temporary or in a regular staff position on a temporary basis.
  4.1.3 Regular and temporary staff employees are further identified by the number of hours worked in a normal work week (see HRP&P 70.0). A full-time staff employee is one who is normally scheduled to work seventy-five (75%) or more of the unit's normal work week. A half-time staff employee is one who is not full-time, but is normally scheduled to work fifty percent (50%) or more of the unit's normal work week. A part-time staff employee is one who is normally scheduled to work less than fifty percent (50%) of the unit's normal work week. A department's normal work week is defined by the unit with the approval of Human Resource Services and may vary in accordance with the unit’s operational needs.
  4.1.4 An employed individual whose primary, official status is that of a student is normally considered to be a student employee. A student employee is a temporary employee (see HRP&P 17.0).