Employee Education Program
Revision date of this archived policy:
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51.1 | Policy The University encourages self-improvement and career growth of regular, full-time employees through supplemental educational courses and programs of study. |
51.1.1 | The University waives the tuition for regular, full-time employees in accordance with the policies and procedures stated hereafter. | ||| | A regular, full-time employee is eligible for tuition waiver through the University of Kentucky Employee Education Program (EEP) and through the Council of Postsecondary Education (CPE) Tuition Waiver Program. | ||| | An employee may take credit courses at the University of Kentucky or Lexington Community College (LCC) through the University of Kentucky EEP. | ||| | An employee may take credit courses at a regional university, a community college (other than LCC), and a technical school through the CPE Tuition Waiver Program. The administration of the tuition waiver program of the CPE shall be in accordance with this policy and the CPE Tuition Waiver Program. | ||| | Under these programs, the maximum number of credit hours for which tuition will be waived shall be no more than six (6) per semester. | ||| | Tuition waiver is available for all eligible credit courses for which the employee is eligible to register. | ||| | Tuition waiver is not available for audited, non-credit continuing education, or community education courses. | |||
51.l.1.2.3 | If an employee registers for more hours than the maximum [six (6) per semester] for which the tuition will be waived, the excess tuition shall be paid by the employee. | ||| | If an employee does not pay the tuition in excess of six (6) hours before the cancellation date set by the official academic calendar, the student/employee will be dropped for all courses and the EEP award will be withdrawn. | ||| | For the purpose of this policy, the combination of summer sessions is considered as one semester. Therefore, the total amount of tuition which may be waived during an entire summer shall not exceed the normal tuition for six (6) hours of credit. | ||| | Fees other than tuition (e.g., breakage fees, books, etc.) shall not be waived by the University; however, the University of Kentucky part-time activity fees shall be waived for employees attending University of Kentucky and LCC classes. | ||| | Employees who utilize this policy shall not be eligible for the Student Health Service or other programs requiring full-time student status but rather shall retain employee status for the purposes of all such determinations. Employees who are also full-time students will not be assessed the student health fee. | |||
NOTE: For community colleges with student health clinics, employees who are also students may purchase student health services with the approval of the president of the community college. | |||| | In the event an employee terminates employment with the University prior to the first day of classes, any previously approved tuition waiver shall not be honored. | ||| | A newly hired regular, full-time employee shall be eligible for tuition waiver if the employee is in an active assignment as of the last day to add or drop a class. | ||| | Any taxation of tuition waiver amounts received under this program will be governed by applicable state or federal tax laws. | |||
5l.l.2 | A regular, full-time employee shall be permitted, with prior administrative approval, to take only one (1) course for credit per semester (or combination of summer sessions) during the employee's normal working hours. | ||| | Scheduling of classes and making up time shall be approved by the employee's department head or immediate supervisor and by the dean or president of the community college or the head of an administrative or operating division and shall not compromise the efficiency of any University organizational unit. | ||| | Provided the department head or immediate supervisor is advised sufficiently prior to the event, an employee shall be given reasonable time off to talk with the employee's academic advisor and to attend advance registration, add-drop, etc. | ||| | All times away from the job as a result of this policy shall be made up within that regular work week, resulting in no net loss of time for which an employee is paid. | |||
51.2 | Delegation | |||
51.2.1 | The Employee Benefits Office of Human Resource Services is responsible for certification of eligibility for tuition waiver. | |||
51.2.2 | Approval for scheduling classes during normal working hours and related compensatory time arrangement and for insuring compliance with HRP&P 70.0 is delegated to the dean or president of a community college or to the head of an administrative or operating division, as appropriate. | |||
51.3 | Procedure | |||
51.3.1 | Applying for tuition waiver under this program is independent of the admission and registration process. An employee must apply for admission, be admitted and then register for class as any other student. An employee's status as a student shall be governed by the University Senate Rules or the Rules of the Senate of the Community College System, as appropriate, and the Code of Student Conduct. | |||
51.3.2 | To receive tuition waiver, an employee shall complete an Employee Education Program Form (see Form 51.4.1) and turn it in to the Employee Benefits Office on or before the deadline established by the official academic calendar. | |||
51.3.3 | If an employee wishes to take a course during normal working hours, the employee shall submit the Employee Education Program Form to the department head/supervisor and the dean/community college president/division head within a reasonable time (usually no less than thirty days, but may be a longer period in certain departments) before the start of the semester or summer session. | ||| | After receiving approval of the department head/supervisor and dean/community college president/division head, the employee shall submit the form to the Employee Benefits Office of Human Resource Services. The Employee Benefits Office shall verify employment status and eligibility for tuition waiver. | |||
51.3.4 | For courses taken outside an employee's normal working hours, an employee shall submit the Employee Education Program Form directly to the Employee Benefits Office. | |||
51.4 | Forms | |||
51.4.1 | UK Employee Education Program Form |