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The University encourages self-improvement and career growth of regular, full-time employees through supplemental educational courses and programs of study.
The University waives the tuition for regular employees with a regular full-time equivalent (FTE) of 0.75 or greater. In addition, the University recognizes the need to offer educational benefits to a dependent of employees.
Eligible employees may participate in any of the following Tuition Assistance Programs: A) the Employee Education Program (EEP) or B) the Family Education Program (FEP). Only one educational benefit program can be utilized in a given semester.
Policy for Employee Education Program (EEP): University of Kentucky Employees attending the University of KentuckyAn employee is eligible for tuition waiver for classes taken at the University of Kentucky through the University of Kentucky Employee Education Program (EEP).
    • The EEP applies to the University of Kentucky employees taking classes at the University of Kentucky.
  2. Through the EEP, the maximum number of credit hours for which tuition will be waived shall be no more than 8 per semester with a maximum of 18 per academic year. If more than 6 credit hours are scheduled in a semester, then the number of classes shall not exceed 2 classes. The academic year is defined as the period beginning with the fall semester and continuing through the summer session.
    • Tuition waiver is available for all eligible credited courses.
    • Tuition waiver is not available for audited or non-credit education.
    • If an employee registers for more than the maximum hours for which the tuition will be waived, the excess tuition shall be paid by the employee.
    • If an employee does not pay the excess fees before the cancellation date of the official academic calendar, the employee will be dropped for all courses and the EEP award will be withdrawn.
    • A “graduation exemption” can be requested for a one-time exception to exceed 8 hours in a given semester in the employee’s final 12 months prior to finishing their degree. The Academic Advisor must document the employee is in his/her final 12 months of study. With approval, employees may take up to nine credit hours in one approved semester during this 12-month period, not to exceed 18 credit hours within that academic year.
  3. The combination of winter and spring terms is considered one semester. The combination of summer sessions (i.e. four week and eight week) is considered one semester.
  4. The tuition assistance applies to tuition and mandatory fees only. Any additional program and course fees (e.g. breakage fees, lab fees, online fees, books, etc.) shall not be waived by the University and will be the responsibility of the student.
  5. Employees who utilize this policy shall not be eligible for the Student Health Service or other programs requiring full-time student status.
  6. If an employee’s employment is terminated prior to the first day of classes, any previously approved tuition assistance shall not be honored.
  7. Employees may not use the EEP benefit for semesters for which they have a dependent using the FEP discount.
  8. Any newly hired employee shall be eligible for tuition assistance if the employee is in a full-time active assignment as of the last day to add a class.
  9. Any taxation of tuition assistance amounts received will be governed by applicable state and federal tax laws. Current taxation information can be found here.
  10. Any employee may be permitted, with prior departmental approval, to take only one course per semester (or combination of summer sessions or spring/winter intersession) during work time. Scheduling of classes and making up time shall be approved by the employee’s department head or immediate supervisor and by the dean or the head of an administrative or operating division and shall not compromise the efficiency of any organizational unit.
  11. If the employee gives sufficient notice prior to the event, an employee shall be given reasonable time off work to talk with his/her academic advisor and to attend advance registration, add-drop, etc.
  12. All time away from the job as a result of this policy shall be made up within the regular work week, resulting in no loss of time for which the employee is paid.
Employee Education Program Tuition Waiver Process
  1. Employees must submit the correct tuition assistance forms to the program administrator. The Human Resources Office of Employee Benefits (Employee Benefits) is responsible for certification of eligibility for tuition assistance for University of Kentucky employees.
  2. Applying for tuition assistance is independent of the admission and registration process.
    1. An employee must apply for admission, be admitted and then register for class as any other student.
    2. An employee’s status as a student shall be governed by the University Senate Rules and the Code of Student Conduct
  3. To receive tuition assistance through the University of Kentucky EEP, an employee must complete an Employee Education Program Form and turn it into the program administrator by the deadline established by the official academic calendar. If an employee does not meet the established deadline for submission of the Employee Education Program Form, then the employee will be assessed late fees.
  4. The last possible date an employee may submit the tuition assistance form is the last day of class for the term requesting the assistance.
  5. If an employee wishes to take a course during work time, the employee shall submit the tuition assistance form to the department head/supervisor and the dean/division head within a reasonable time (usually no less than 30 days) before the start of the semester. After receiving approval, the employee shall submit the form to Employee Benefits. Employee Benefits shall verify employment status and eligibility for tuition assistance.
  6. For classes taken outside of work time, an employee shall submit the Employee Education Program Form directly to Employee Benefits.

Policy for Family Education Program (FEP) 

The University will discount tuition and mandatory fees, under the Family Education Program for those eligible.
  1. In order to be eligible for the tuition and mandatory fee discount the family member must:
    1. be a spouse/partner (as defined by University Senate Rules and Policy) or dependent child as defined by IRC Publication 501 (through the semester in which child turns 24 if a full time student for at least 5 months of the year, or to the end of the calendar year a child reaches age 23) of a regular full-time employee.
    2. be admitted to the University and registered, for credit, as a post-high school graduate in undergraduate-level classes.
    3. be in good academic standing.
  2. The tuition and mandatory fee discount is provided based on employee length of continuous regular full-time service at U.K.
    1. The service anniversary date will be based on the last day to add a class each term. Based on the tuition rate maximum, the maximum discount per semester will be calculated as follows
      1. Less than 1 year of service = no discount
      2. At least 1 year, but less than 2 years = 10% discount maximum per semester
      3. At least 2 years, but less than 3 years = 20% discount maximum per semester
      4. At least 3 years, but less than 4 years = 30% discount maximum per semester
      5. At least 4 years, but less than 5 years = 40% discount maximum per semester
      6. At least 5 years =50% discount maximum per semester
  3. The maximum benefit available will be equal to 50% discount on undergraduate, full-time course-loads for fall, spring, winter intersession and summer terms. For purposes of this policy, the two summer sessions will be combined, and the winter intersession will be combined with the spring term.
  4. FEP will credit student accounts after the last day to add a class each term (generally by 10th class day). If there are other tuition-eligible awards credited for the student, then the FEP discount will apply and the remaining awards will be adjusted (reduced).
  5. The FEP benefit discount must be included in student financial aid packages and may result in adjustments of other student financial aid.
  6. The FEP discount does not apply to Independent Study classes.
  7. An employee can only use the FEP benefit discount for one dependent per regular semester.
  8. Spouses/partners that are both regular, full-time University of Kentucky employees and have eligible service may combine their discounts for an eligible dependent if the employees are not using EEP for the requested semester. No more than two FEP discounts can be combined per student.
  9. No application for need-based student financial aid will be required in order to receive the discount.
  10. Application for the discount is subject to the same deadlines as established in EEP. If an employee/dependent misses the tuition adjustment form submission deadline, he/she is subject to late fee assessment.
  11. FEP discount can only be applied for, even if submitting late, the term for which the discount is requested.
Family Education Program Process 
  1. The Human Resources Office of Employee Benefits (Employee Benefits) is responsible for certification of eligibility for FEP discount.
  2. Applying for FEP discount is independent of the admission and registration process.
    1. An employee’s dependent must apply for admission, be admitted and then register for class as any other student.
    2. A dependent’s status as a student shall be governed by the University Senate Rules and the Code of Student Conduct or the Rule of the Senate of the Community College System.
  3. To receive the tuition and mandatory fee discount through FEP, the dependent must complete a Family Education Program Form and turn it into Employee Benefits on, or before, the deadline established by the official academic calendar. If the dependent does not meet the established deadline for submission of the Family Education Program Form, then the dependent will be assessed late fees.
  4. The last possible date an employee may submit the Family Education Program Form to request the tuition and mandatory fee discount is the last day of class for the semester requesting the discount.