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The University maintains work hours which are compatible with state law, departmental functions, and the maintenance of effective work schedules. The normal work week for nonexempt full-time staff employees is thirty-seven and one half (37.5) hours per week. The normal work week for exempt full-time staff employees shall average at least forty (40) hours per week, and it is anticipated these staff employees may average more than forty (40) hours per week.



A staff employee is obligated by the terms of University employment to report for each and every scheduled working day or shift, to report for work on time, and to complete all scheduled hours.

Being absent from work and reporting to work after the scheduled beginning time require the employee to properly notify the supervisor and to utilize appropriate leaves which may be available or to lose payment for time not worked.

The department head is responsible for maintaining work schedules, recording hours worked, authorizing leaves, and reporting hours approved for pay.

The University will produce a final paycheck for any person who dies while being a staff employee for the appropriate rate of pay for the number of hours/days the deceased employee actually worked. (See Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 81.1.6.)

All wages and salaries paid for hours worked shall be in accordance with Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 30.0: Wage and Salary Administration.





The authority to establish a normal work week exceeding thirty-seven and one half (37.5) hours per week, but not to exceed forty (40) hours per week, is delegated to the vice chancellors or other appropriate administrators as circumstances warrant to meet operating demands.

Each vice chancellor or other administrator with delegated authority is responsible for authorization of a nonexempt staff employee's work in excess of forty (40) hours in any single work week, except in the case of dual employment. (See Human Resources Policy and Procedure, Number The responsibility and authority for approving attendance and time off is delegated to the department head.



A department is delegated the responsibility to maintain and retain for ready access all recordings of absences and leaves. A method which satisfies the requirement for documentation within these policies is proper.


Leaves and absences, with or without pay, as accrued and used, are recorded on the Absence Record (AR 3) Form (see Absence Record Form 70.4.1) or other approved form(s).





Work Schedules

The department head shall establish each staff employee's work schedule as operational needs demand. The normal work week of thirty-seven and one half (37.5) hours or forty (40) hours distributed over five (5) consecutive days, usually Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 or until 5:00 p.m. affects most positions at the University.

The standard work week is defined by law as a regularly recurring period of one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours in the form of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods.

The University's official work week, except for the University Hospital, is 12:01 a.m. Saturday through 12:00 midnight Friday.

The University Hospital's official work week is 7:01 a.m. Sunday through 7:00 a.m. Sunday.

The University's normal work day is seven and one half (7.5) hours. Many jobs in the University are required to work eight (8) hours daily, totaling forty (40) hours weekly.


The standard work week and work day apply primarily to positions which are subject to overtime provisions of state law (nonexempt). Positions which are exempt from overtime provisions are to be considered subject only to the measure of time required to perform the responsibilities of the job, usually a minimum of forty (40) hours per week or more. Exempt positions, therefore, are compensated on a salary basis rather than hourly wages, except Medical Health (09) positions.

A staff employee is expected to notify the designated supervisor promptly regarding the necessity for leave when the leave is anticipated and known in advance.

Authorized leaves will be approved in accordance with the attendance, leaves, and other benefits policies. (See Human Resources Policy and Procedure Numbers 70.0 - 79.0: Attendance, 80.0 - 89.0: Leaves, and 90.0 - 99.0: Employee Benefits.)

A staff employee who is absent from work without proper notice to the supervisor for three (3) consecutive working days will be considered as abandoning the job and may be separated from employment as a voluntary quit without notice. (See Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 12.0: Separation from Employment.)

A staff employee shall not receive pay for unauthorized absences and may be subject to separation from employment as follows:





Failure to report to work as scheduled;





Failure to present adequate justification for an absence upon return to duty;





Deliberate absence from work; and/or





Failure to notify the designated supervisor of an unanticipated absence, unless adequate justification for the absence is presented upon return to work. (See Human Resources Policy and Procedure, Number 12.0: Separation from Employment.)

The sector personnel office will be notified through a notation on the Payroll Authorization Record (PAR) of any absence that extends ten (10) working days beyond the exhaustion of accrued vacation or temporary disability leave.



Work Arrival

It is the responsibility of the staff employee to arrive and report to work at the beginning of the scheduled work day or shift.

The department head is responsible for informing each staff employee of the expected arrival time.

For pay purposes only, arrival of any nonexempt staff employee will be recorded on the basis of fifteen (15) minute periods by the following methods:


Arrival before the eighth (8th) minute following a scheduled arrival time will constitute a full fifteen (15) minute period of pay.


Arrival on the eighth (8th) minute or later into the fifteen (15) minute period shall be considered as fifteen (15) minutes late and therefore unpaid time.


Late arrival [after the seventh (7th) minute of the first fifteen (15) minute period and subsequent fifteen (15) minute periods] shall not be paid time for each fifteen (15) minute period missed.

A department may elect to allow a staff employee to compensate, by additional work time within the same work week, for the loss of each (15) fifteen minute period missed by late arrival. This method can only be adopted by the department by stating this alternative in writing for all employees to observe and be informed of this practice.

The fifteen (15) minute periods which are forfeited through late arrival are to be recorded to indicate the deduction of the fifteen (15) minute period(s) on payroll time report submittals.



Work Departure

A staff employee scheduled to work is expected to remain on the job performing the duties of the job until the completion of the final hour of the scheduled work day or work shift.

A department may allow any staff employee time during the final fifteen (15) minutes of the final hour of the shift for the purpose of cleaning up personally and replacing equipment and materials without loss of pay.

Departure before the eighth (8th) minute following scheduled departure time will not constitute paid work time.

Departure time on the eighth (8th) minute or later into the fifteen (15) minute period following scheduled departure time shall constitute paid work time.

To insure and aid in completion of the hours of service the department maintains, an exempt staff employee is governed by completion of tasks as well as responsibility.



Rest Periods

No employee shall work more than four (4) hours without being permitted a rest period of at least fifteen (15) minutes. This shall be in addition to the regularly scheduled lunch period. No reduction in pay shall be made for this rest period.

Rest periods shall be arranged in a manner that does not disrupt the services of the department.

The rest period time, which is counted as time worked and, therefore, cannot be added to the lunch hour or other off-duty time, should be taken as near as possible to the middle of the period for which the rest period is given.

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure all employees are permitted the rest period.

A staff employee scheduled to work a seven and one half (7.5) hour day or shift shall be permitted two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods, in addition to the regularly scheduled lunch period.



Meal Periods

The meal period shall be as near as possible to the middle of a work day or shift of five (5) hours or more.

A staff employee scheduled to work a seven and one half (7.5) or eight (8) hour day or shift shall be permitted the meal period no sooner than the third (3rd) and no later than the fifth (5th) hour of work.

During the meal period, the staff employee shall be free from all work of any type, and the meal period normally may not be less than thirty (30) minutes, nor more than sixty (60) minutes.

The meal period is not counted as hours worked.




The University, in its continuing effort to increase job satisfaction, morale of employees, and effective operation of the University, provides for a flexible work hours system. Flex-time will take the place of the designated "normal" seven and one half (7.5) hour work day. Flex-time will not affect the normal thirty-seven and one half (37.5) hour work week.

With the concurrence of the supervisor and approval of the dean or director, an employee may select the hours that the employee prefers to work. Total hours worked per week shall equal the current hours per week. Hours for any nonexempt employee shall not exceed forty (40) hours per week unless deemed a necessity and is in accordance with this policy.


These hours shall consist of a "core" period when the employee will be on the job for that period each and every day of the work week. The establishment of this "core" time is subject to meeting the crucial job requirements as determined by the employee's supervisor.


Normal flex-time hours are subject to starting work not earlier than one (1) hour before the current starting time and ending not later than two (2) hours past the current ending time. Exceptions based upon unique operational requirements may be requested of the sector personnel office.

The revised schedule for each employee shall be consistent for a designated period of time. Once a schedule is approved it shall not be changed without the concurrence of the supervisor and approval of the dean or director.

Department heads, managers, and supervisors shall take the following into consideration prior to approval:

Scheduling so that there are not too few or too many employees working at the same time; and/or

Environmental and security considerations shall be reviewed prior to approval; and/or

Operational functions in relation to other departments.





Absence Record (AR-3)