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The University of Kentucky is committed to providing a healthy, safe and alcohol-free workplace for its employees.


1) Conduct that is a violation of this policy poses an unacceptable risk and disregard for the health, safety and welfare of co-workers, students and the total University community.

  1. Alcohol abuse, or being under the influence or the unauthorized use or consumption of alcohol on University property or while on University business, is prohibited and is subject to corrective action up toand including, termination of employment.
  2. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol is prohibited and is subject to corrective action up to, and including, termination of employment.


Authority for enforcement of this policy is vested with the Provost or the appropriate Executive Vice President in conjunction with the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, or designee.

1) The University provides educational programs and general information on the danger of alcohol use and abuse in the workplace. The University trains its supervisors to recognize mental and physical signs of problem drinking.

2) In the University System, whenever a supervisor notices a staff employee suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, that supervisor shall

  1. Suspend the employee pending investigation; and
  2. Inform the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, or designee.

3) The Associate Vice President of Human Resources, or designee, in conjunction with the employee’s supervisor shall conduct an investigation and, based on factual information, determine whether there has been a violation of this policy.

4) For staff employees, if the evidence confirms the employee has violated this policy, the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, or designee, with the employee’s supervisor, shall review the factual information to determine the appropriate action to include:

  1. Corrective action up to, and including, termination of employment; and/or
  2. Referral to an employee assistance or rehabilitation program.

5) For student employees, if evidence confirms the student has violated this policy, the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, or designee, shall determine the appropriate sanction.

6) Whenever a supervisor notices an employee with overt signs of mental or physical impairment thought secondary to alcohol abuse, or when job-related behavior or work performance suggests alcohol abuse, the supervisor shall refer employees to the employee assistance program (REFER). Mandatory referrals to REFERshall be made in conjuction with the Human Resources Office of Employee Relations (Employee Relations).

  1. The decision to acknowledge a drinking problem and accept therapeutic intervention rests with the employee, and participation in an employee assistance program or rehabilitative program is voluntary. However, refusal to participate in an appropriate intervention(s) shall result in corrective action up to and including separation of employment.
  2. The REFER program coordinator shall monitor the progress of the employee and inform Employee Relations of the employee’s progress.
  3. If an employee with a suspected drinking problem or associated poor work performance refuses or fails therapy, Employee Relations in conjunction with the employee’s supervisor, shall institute an appropriate work performance evaluation and action.