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The University of Kentucky is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace for its employees. The problem of alcohol abuse constitutes a growing national crisis: therefore, the University has this alcohol abuse policy.



Conduct which is a violation of this policy poses unacceptable risk and disregard for the health, safety and welfare of co-workers, students and the total University community.

Alcohol abuse, or being under the influence or the unauthorized use or consumption of alcohol on University of Kentucky property or while on University business, is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or discharge.

Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or discharge.




Authority for enforcement of this policy is vested with the appropriate chancellor or vice president in conjunction with the sector personnel office.





The University provides educational programs and general information on the danger of alcohol use and abuse in the workplace. The University trains its supervisors to recognize mental and physical signs of problem drinking.



In the University System, whenever a supervisor notices a staff employee suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, that supervisor shall (1) suspend the employee pending further investigation and (2) inform the respective sector chief personnel officer. In the Community College System, the supervisor shall notify the community college president who shall (1) suspend the employee pending further investigation and (2) inform the community college chief personnel officer.

The respective sector chief personnel officer for the Lexington Campus and the Medical Center or the respective community college president in conjunction with the employee’s supervisor and the community college chief personnel officer shall conduct an investigation and, based on factual information obtained from all parties involved, determine whether there has been a violation of this policy.


All discussions, investigations and basis for disciplinary or rehabilitative action shall be strictly confidential.

For staff employees, if the evidence confirms that the employee has violated this policy, the sector chief personnel officer and/or the appropriate community college president with the employee’s supervisor and the community college chief personnel officer shall review the factual information to determine the appropriate action which includes as follows:





Disciplinary action up to and including suspension or discharge; and/or





Referral to an employee assistance program or rehabilitation program.

For student employees, if evidence confirms that the student has violated this policy, the sector chief personnel officer and/of the appropriate community college president, consistent with Personnel Policy and Procedure Number 12.0 and Number 62, shall determine the appropriate sanction in accordance with the student employee’s status as an at-will employee.


Nothing is this policy shall be construed to prohibit or interfere with whatever appropriate disciplinary action which may be taken in accordance with the student employee’s student status, as provided by the Code of Student Conduct.



Whenever a supervisor notices an employee with overt signs of mental and physical impairment thought to be secondary to substance abuse, or when job related behavior or work performance suggests substance abuse, the supervisor shall refer the employee to the Lexington Campus Employee Assistance Program (REFER). University Hospital/Medical Center employees shall be referred to the designated employee assistance coordinator. For the Community College System, employees shall be referred to the appropriate local rehabilitation health service by the community college president.

The decision to acknowledge problem drinking and accept therapeutic intervention rests with the employee, and participation in an employee assistance program or rehabilitative program is voluntary. However, refusal to participate in appropriate intervention program(s) shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or dismissal.

The Employee Assistance Program coordinator, or where no employee assistance program exists, the sector chief personnel officer or the respective community college president shall monitor the progress of the employee and inform the employee’s supervisor of the employee’s progress and anticipate sage return to the job.

If an employee with problem drinking and/or poor work refuse or fails therapy, then the chief sector personnel officer and/or the respective community college president, in conjunction with the employee’s supervisor, shall institute an appropriate work performance evaluation and action.