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Listen as host Sebastian Calmes, a Wellness Specialist with UK HR Health and Wellness and Dr. Laura Escobar-Ratliff, Director of the College of Social Work DSW program and Clinical Assistant Professor, discuss the topic of social connection.

In this episode we learn that feeling socially connected is a two-way street. This means ocial connection is our responsibility; something that requires intentionality to create and maintain meaningful social connections. We also learned having a core group of connections provides us with a space to be our authentic selves. A place where we can share not only our wins, but our losses too.  

Each month, Sebastian Calmes will interview an expert guest with the conversation aimed at deepening the resilience practice and meditation offered by co-hosts, Amy Rodquist-Kodet and Jackie Carroll.   

Mentioned in this episode:    

Related Episodes:  

Key Takeaways: 

  • Social Connection requires intentionality; we must connect on purpose to feel that we experienced a high-quality social connection. 
  • Socially connecting benefits not only the person who is reaching out, but also the person who is being reached out to 
  • Being more socially connected is scary, but being vulnerable is the basis on which social connections can thrive 

Upcoming Events: UK Human Resources calendar  

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You can listen and follow all episodes of "Becoming Wildly Resilient" wherever you find your podcasts. Spotify listeners can also interact with questions and polls or send a voice memo within the app.   

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - 15:23 View podcast series