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That's one message a colleague recently shared in response to a survey conducted by Staff Senate in May 2020 about employee appreciation. The desire for professional growth and learning was a top theme among respondents in regards to how they would feel more appreciated.

Employees and supervisors have a role to play in strengthening our university's culture of learning and development. Here are several more comments from the survey expressing this theme of valuing learning opportunities.

Inclusion and support. I value my education and development.


Continuing to listen to my concerns as they arise, continuing to trust me to do my job as I trust others to do theirs, and continuing to provide support for innovation and continuing education opportunities.


I pursue development opportunities independently of my supervisor. He is a good leader but doesn't have time to discuss career development. If the enterprise made it a priority for leaders to be trained to provide career counseling, even on a basic level, I think more of the UK HR Training and Development programs with UK's curriculum could be shared to encourage staff to grow and be more attuned to the overall mission and how to support while making fulfilling careers for themselves.


By providing a culture that supports and encourages change and growth among administrative support personnel as they already do for faculty and other staff. By creating a culture that recognizes and utilizes skills and interests that support staff have even if it is outside the "administrative support" role.



3 ways employees at any level can participate in training

Supervisors, it's especially important for you to take the lead in encouraging and modeling professional growth. It's also up to employees to show the initiative and take charge of your career. The opportunities HR Training and Development offers are for employees at all levels. 

1. Take professional development and technology courses

Our team of trainers offers workshops on technology and professional development topics. Learning happens by doing, so you can expect to leave with new skills you can use.

2. Take leadership courses and programs

Whether you're interested in a one-time course session or an ongoing program, you'll find we offer several opportunities to strengthen your leadership. These programs span all stages of leadership development, when you're starting to learn leadership skills to higher levels of experience.

3. Request trainers to come to your team

While we're not offering in-person training workshops currently, we do offer online sessions and you can request a facilitator for your group. Choose from one of the many technology or professional development sessions we've successfully offered across the university. Or, we'll work with you to design a workshop that meets your specific goals and holds value among your team members.