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Contact information for verifications of employment and employee records 

106 Bosworth Hall 
631 S. Limestone
Lexington, KY 40506-0652

Phone: 859-257-9555 option 5
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday

Closed on observed holidays

As a reminder, all verifications of employment are processed through our online system.

Start here to request a verification of employment

For questions related to verifications of employment, please contact Brandon McNeal, Verifications of Employment Staff, 859-257-2689.

Employee file information and rehire consideration requests must be processed through our online Employee Records system.

For questions related to employee records, please contact:

Tina Stephens, Staff Support Associate II, 859-257-9480


What information is kept in an employee's official file?

Any information related to the employee's employment history: applications, PARs, performance appraisals, disciplinary actions, commendations, separation sheets, etc.

Am I able to obtain copies of documents from my file? If so, how?

Yes, you may obtain copies of documents from your employee file at Employee Records.

If you have been separated from the University for more than six months, you must create an open records request in order to obtain copies from your file. You may contact the UK Legal Office, Room 301B, Main Building, or email, to make this request.

I am ineligible for rehire. Do I qualify for rehire consideration of employment?

Effective September 30, 2019, former University regular staff employees who have been separated for at least two years may appeal to have their rehire status reviewed if they were separated under the following categories:

  • Job abandonment
  • Quit without notice
  • Did not fulfill notice
  • Absence/tardiness

Temporary and on-call employees (separated for a minimum of two years) and student employees (separated for one full semester, fall or spring) may apply regardless of the reason for separation. If you meet these requirements, you may request a rehire consideration packet on our website. An HR Records employee will contact you with next steps. Eligibility for appeal does not guarantee an overturn of ineligibility status.

What is a verification of employment (VOE), and what are the appropriate procedures for having one completed?

An employment verification is a document requested or ordered by an organization, such as a bank or other financial institution, to verify an employee's job title, dates of employment and/or pay rate.

All inquiries must first be ordered through our Employee Records webpage. NEED NEW LINK We cannot process forms without the confirmation number that will be provided upon order completion. A $30 fee is required to be paid by non-government agencies and companies outside of UK before we can process verifications of employment. On our webpage, Click either "Are you a business?" or "Are you a government agency?" Follow the prompts to request employee information. After receipt of your UK confirmation number, please have it available for reference.

I received a verification of employment request for someone who I previously supervised/who formerly worked in my department. Should I complete it or send it on to HR Employee Records?

External access to Human Resources files of personally identifiable information or other related information about an individual without written authorization from the individual shall be directed to HR Records.

Direct the requestor to the Employee Records webpage to complete an order for employment verification. After selecting that option, they will chose either "Are you a business?" or "Are you a government agency?" and follow the prompts.

I received a request asking for a work reference for someone I previously supervised/who formerly worked in my department. Should I complete it or forward it to HR Employee Records?

External access to Human Resources files of personally identifiable information or other employment related information about an individual without written authorization from the individual shall be directed to HR Records.

A University supervisor may release information on an employee to a supervisor in an area where the supervised employee has applied for transfer. Any released information shall be from documented facts or shall be as the opinion of the writer/speaker. A University employee is prohibited from releasing any information about another employee to an outside employer or agency without a written authorization from that individual.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed as a prohibition against a letter of recommendation or other employment related information being released upon signed authorization of a present or past employee. This information shall be based on documented facts or shall be stated as the opinion of the writer. A copy of the employee’s authorization should be attached to any document released.