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Remote work is most effective when employees and supervisors communicate clearly about expectations. The following checklist will help you establish a foundation for effective operations, continued productivity and service to the UK community.  

As a supervisor, you play a critical role in meeting the following guiding principles: ensure effective operations that support our people, create a successful and thriving environment, and provide flexibility for employees while meeting your unit's and the university’s goals and objectives. 

Complete the checklist below within the first 30 days to ensure a good start to remote work arrangements. 

Understand relevant policies and expectations

Web-based trainings are available in myUK learning, both for supervisors and for employees: 

Make sure your employee understands the expectations and policies related to remote work and why their job responsibilities may or may not be suited for working remotely. Review the guidelines with your employee and share what the guidelines mean in the context of the employee’s job and your unit needs. Be clear about your expectations for maintaining their current work schedule and responsibilities. 

Review technology needs and resources

While supervisors should identify technology needs prior to approving a remote work arrangement, you should check in with the employee frequently to make sure the technology is working as planned and make adjustments as needed. Make sure your employees know how to access technical support should they need assistance. 

Learn more

Create an assessment plan

Review the assessment items below with employees and discuss how well the arrangement is working based on these requirements for remote work. If these items are not satisfied, your job as the supervisor is to determine modifications to meet the requirements as listed, quickly. 

  • Are all functions of the existing job being effectively performed? 
  • Has the employee updated their remote work address in myUK? 
  • Are you receiving work product or project updates on schedule? 
  • Is communication flowing well between the employee working remotely and other team members, customers and the management team? 
  • Is the employee attending department events or meetings as you expect? 
  • If in a dual reporting relationship, what is the perspective of the shared supervisor on how well the arrangement is working? 
  • While everyone may need an adjustment period to master new technology, is the employee effective at using the tools required for their remote work arrangement? 

Ongoing items

Regularly assess the following to effectively support the remote work arrangement:

  • What, if anything, are you noticing requires modification in your management practices or habits in order to keep the employee engaged and provided with appropriate supervisory support?
  • What have you noticed with the employee's demonstrated planning, organizational and communication skills? Are there opportunities to reinforce positive behavior and address areas for improvement, through training or your coaching?
  • Have you recently asked the employee for their perspective on how the arrangement is working? Make sure to ask about work station setup, equipment and technology functionality, workload, and feelings of belonging.

Don’t forget about employee well-being

  • A positive attitude toward remote working and a willingness to trust employees to effectively work remotely remote work is key to making such arrangements successful and productive. Encourage all employees, both remote and on site, to care for their well-being. 
  • Use phone calls and video chats to increase interpersonal interaction. 
  • Encourage employees to unplug when their work is done and to focus on their self and family care.