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The University recognizes a responsibility to enhance the staff employee’s opportunity to develop skills and abilities for full performance within the position and for career advancement within the University. Both the department and the Human Resource Development Department (hereafter HRD) of Human Resource Services have a responsibility to assist in the professional development of staff employees.

  50.1.1 The department initiates the professional development process with the use of an employee’s performance appraisal (Performance Development Partnership,see HRP&P 61.0). Through the three phases of Performance Development Patnership, (hereafter PDP), the University's performance management system, an assessment is made of the training and development needs of the department and its staff employees.
  50.1.2 HRD assists in professional development process by evaluating the recommendations of departments as well as overall University needs. HRD assists departments by developing and presenting training courses. HRD also offers training material and advice as to applicable methods for achieving training objectives.
  50.1.3 The following training is mandatory for the designated group(s) of staff employees: All full-time, half-time and part-time regular, new staff employees shall attend new employee orientation within thirty (30) calendar days after their first date of employment. All newly hired or promoted supervisory employees shall complete Phase I and II of SuperVISION, a supervisory training program. All employees shall complete Phase I (Performance Planning) of PDP training within thirty (30) calendar days after their first date of employment. In addition, all employees with supervisor responsibilities shall complete Phase II/III (coaching, feedback, and performance appraisal) of PDP training.


The department and HRD assist employees in achieving training objectives; however, ultimate responsibility for development and training resides with the staff employee.

50.3 Procedure
  50.3.1 Department heads are encouraged to recommend to HRD any training and development which would benefit the department or the staff employee. epartment and division heads are also encouraged to develop departmental or divisional staff development programs peculiar to the needs of the department or division.
  50.3.2 HRD continuously evaluates recommendations and overall University needs and establishes training programs as possible to meet those needs.
  50.3.3 Scheduled training programs for regular staff employees are announced through bulletins distributed to all department headsdesignated web sites and University publications.
  50.3.4 Upon approval of the department head, a staff employee may attend a training program conducted by HRD or other designated providers. A staff employee may request nomination/registration or be nominated/registered for announced training programs. A staff employee who registers or is nominated for training for departmental related objectives may attend as paid working time (see HRP&P 70.0). A staff employee who registers or is nominated for training for personal objectives may attend as paid working time at the department head’s discretion. If the department head will not authorize paid working time, the staff employee shall be notified of that fact by the department head prior to the beginning of the training program.
  50.3.5 HRD is responsible for maintaining a record of staff employees who complete its training courses. Upon completion of HRD sponsored certificate training, HRD is responsible for forwarding the record of completion to the Office of Employee Records of Human Resource Services.
  50.3.6 If a department’s training needs cannot be met by HRD, a referral of the request may be made to appropriate resources and advice given to the department head concerning alternatives.
  • All archived versions of this policy