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Circumstances may arise wherein a staff employee desires employment, for whatever reason, in addition to University employment. The University allows the staff employee's other employment as long as the staff employee adheres to the following guidelines:



The hours of outside employment shall not coincide or conflict with hours of scheduled work at the University in any normal work week.



The outside employment shall not conflict with job responsibilities and/or affect ability to perform satisfactorily at the University in any normal work week.



The outside employment shall not cause a staff employee to arrive late for, or leave early from, a scheduled shift or work hours in the University job.



The outside employment shall not constitute a conflict with University interests.

Should an unanticipated conflict of interest result from the outside employment, the sector personnel office in conjunction with the supervisor shall, upon learning of such conflict, instruct the staff employee to terminate the outside employment. Failure to cease the outside employment as directed may be grounds for involuntary separation from University employment. (See Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 62.0.)



A staff employee may perform outside employment while on vacation, holiday, or special leave.




Adherence with this policy is the responsibility of the University employee who seeks outside employment; however, it is recommended that the department head be advised by the staff employee of the outside employment.




When a supervisor has reason to believe that an employee's outside employment is in violation of this policy, the supervisor shall immediately consult with the sector personnel office.