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19.1 |
Policy |
The University of Kentucky recognizes the advantage of employing members of the family of current employees. However, although relatives are permitted to work in the same area, limitations have been defined in the second paragraph of Part X.A of the GoverningRegulations, as follows: |
"Members of the Board of Trustees, except those elected to the Board as faculty representatives or as a student representative, and relatives by blood or marriage of any member of the Board of Trustees are ineligible for appointment to any position in the University. No relative by blood or marriage of the President or the Vice President for Administration shall be employed in a position at the University. Similarly, no relative of a chancellor or any vice chancellor in a sector shall be employed in a position in that sector. Waiver of the above regulation may be permitted by the Board of Trustees on a stated temporary basis, not to exceed two years, when it is otherwise impossible practicably to fill a position with a fully qualified person. The same individual shall not be eligible for reappointment under the terms of this exception unless approval is given by the Board of Trustees. No relative by blood or marriage of any administrative officer of the University, or of any member of the University faculty may be appointed to any position in the University over which the related officer or staff member exercises supervisory or line authority. Employment of persons related by blood or marriage in the same department or division shall be approved specifically by the chancellor in a sector or the Vice President for Administration in the Central Administration, as appropriate. "Relatives by blood or marriage," as used above, include parents and children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, brothers- and sisters-in law, mothers- and fathers-in-law, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews, and step-relatives in the same relationships. The employment of relatives by blood or marriage whose relationship was not a violation of this section of theGoverning Regulations prior to its amendment on April 10, 1984, does not constitute a violation of the amended policy provided the relatives are regular employees of the University and remain in the University employment positions which they held on April 10, 1984. However, the transfer of any such employees (whose employment relationship was not a violation of policy prior to its amendment on April 10, 1984) to any other regular University position shall require approval of the President." |
19.1.1 |
If the marriage of a staff employee would create a family relationship which would violate this policy, one (1) of the individuals shall resign, or transfer by the end of the fiscal year, or within six (6) months from the date of marriage, whichever is the longer period. (Also see 19.3 of this policy.) If neither party resigns or transfers, the last hired individual shall be separated from employment at the end of the fiscal year, or the end of six (6) months from the date of marriage, whichever is the longer period. |
19.1.2 |
If a transfer of a staff employee would cause a relative to supervise another family member, which would violate this policy, the options of transfer, resignation, or separation from employment cited in 19.1.1 would apply. |
With approval of the chancellor in a sector, or of the President in the Central Administration, relatives may be allowed to work together provided one relative does not supervise or have line authority over another relative. |
19.1.3 |
This policy applies to all staff employees at the University, regardless of employment status. |
19.2 |
Delegation |
The department head is responsible for verifying that employment or transfer into or within the department shall not cause a violation of this policy. |
19.3 |
Procedure |
Any request for an exception under this policy is to be initiated by the department head and forwarded through the sector personnel office to the chancellor or the President or the Board of Trustees, as appropriate, for decision. |
19.3.1 |
Any request for an exception shall be supported by information verifying the need to employ or to retain the affected staff employee. |