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The University of Kentucky normally employs only persons age eighteen (18) years and older in regular full-time staff positions. Minors may be employed as student employees if they are students of the University of Kentucky as stipulated in Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 4.0: Employee Status. In addition minors may be employed as temporary and part-time employees.


Any person under eighteen (18) years of age is considered a minor under Kentucky law.



The Kentucky Child Labor Law generally provides for employment of minors only under regulations to properly protect the minor's life, health, safety, and welfare. The regulations consider sex, age, premises of employment, substances to be worked with, machinery to be operated, number of hours, hours of the day, nature of the employment, and other pertinent factors.



Departments considering employment of a minor, age fourteen (14) through age seventeen (17), shall comply with the provisions of the Kentucky Child Labor Law. Minors under age fourteen (14) shall not be employed by the University of Kentucky.


Sector personnel offices are available to interpret the Kentucky Child Labor Law and determine the eligibility for employment of a minor being considered for employment.



The Kentucky Revised Statutes mandates that every employer shall be required to obtain from any employee proof of age that the employee is at least eighteen (18) years of age. This statute applies to any paid employment including student, temporary, and part-time employment.




The department head or the president of a community college is responsible for compliance with the Kentucky Child Labor Law within the department or college.





The department head or president of a community college or a designated official shall require proof of age of any employee within the department or community college.

A valid operator's license or a birth certificate are considered as sufficient proof of age.

When an employee does not possess an operator's license or birth certificate, it is suggested that the employee's high school be contacted for written verification of age.

If a question arises concerning an employee's age or if proof is not available from other sources, a department should send the employee to the local board of education.

According to Kentucky law, it is the duty of the local board of education through its superintendent or other authorized agent, upon request, to issue to any minor a certification of age.



Any employment of a minor [i.e., a person age fourteen (14) through age seventeen (17)] shall be noted in the remarks section of the employment PAR.

  • All archived versions of this policy