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92.1 Policy
  The University makes available group accidental death and dismemberment (AD & D) insurance coverage for all regular full-time employees and others designated by the University Administrative Regulations. The group AD & D insurance provides a benefit for an employee and/or the employee’s beneficiary(ies) in the event of accidental death or dismemberment.
  92.1.1 A regular full-time employee is eligible to enroll at the employee’s expense in single or family coverage within the initial thirty (30) days of employment or during any open enrollment period.
  92.1.2 The terms of the group AD & D policy issued by the current insurance carrier selected by the University govern the group AD & D plan.
  92.1.3 This plan provides accidental death and dismemberment benefits, as stated in the policy, for an employee and the employee’s dependent(s) (if family coverage is elected) twenty-four (24) hours a day anywhere in the world. This insurance plan is available to an employee in multiples of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) with a minimum coverage of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) and a maximum of three hundred seventy five thousand dollars ($375,000.00).
  92.1.4 For family coverage purposes, an eligible dependent includes spouse and unmarried children under nineteen (19) years of age and unmarried children under twenty-three (23) years of age who are full-time students and dependent upon the employee for support.
  92.1.5 Under the family plan, the spouse is covered for one-half the principal sum for which the employee is enrolled, and each eligible child is covered for one-tenth of the amount. Children of a covered employee without a spouse are covered for one-fourth the principal sum for which the employee is enrolled under the family plan up to a maximum of $15,000.
  92.1.6 This insurance shall cease cease at the end of the month following the month of termination of employment, or retirement, or at death, provided all required premiums have been paid, and is not converted to an individual plan. A dependent’s insurance also ceases at the time of the insured employee’s termination of employment, retirement, or death.
92.2 Delegation
  Administration of the group AD & D insurance plan is a function of the Employee Benefits Office of Human Resource Services.
92.3 Procedure
  92.3.1 Information on the group AD & D insurance plan may be obtained from the Employee Benefits Office. Enrollment forms are processed by the Employee Benefits Office.
  92.3.2 Premium payments for employees enrolled in this plan are made through payroll deductions.
  92.3.3 An employee going on leave without pay shall make arrangements with the Employee Benefits Office to pay the cost of the group AD & D until active employment is resumed or else the benefit terminates.
  92.3.4 An employee may cancel or decrease the amount of coverage by completing a new enrollment form and submitting the form to the Employee Benefits Office; this change shall be effective on the first day of the month following receipt of the request.
  92.3.5 An employee shall apply for family coverage within thirty (30) days of a qualifying event (marriage, birth or adoption).
  • All archived versions of this policy