Episode 11 Becoming Wildly Resilient: Moving Forward with Our Well-Being
In this episode, host Jakob Hester chats with HR Work-Life therapists Ann Bassoni and Rhonda Henry. Listen as they reflect on what we’ve learned over the past year and what we need more of moving forward, both individually and collectively. You’ll also hear how mindfulness can help keep us grounded when thinking about the past or the future, plus simple strategies for discovering self-care routines that work for you.
Mentioned in this Episode
- Mental Health Resource: HR Work-Life counseling
- Support Resources: HR Health and Wellness consults for personal resilience, nutrition, and physical activity
- Live Guided Meditations: “Meditation Mondays” with health coach Jackie Carroll every Monday at 2:22 pm ET on HR Health and Wellness Facebook page
- Online Meetups: “Midday Mingle” with HR Work-Life every Monday and Thursday at noon
- Workshop: four-week “Mindful Self-Compassion” series with HR therapist Eric Wilkinson and health coach Jackie Carroll
- Vulnerability at Work: “How to be vulnerable at work without spilling everything, from Brené Brown”
- Emotional Agility: work by Dr. Susan David
- Quote: “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” -Heraclitus
- Creating Space: “Identifying Feelings and Needs,” a blog post and video by health coach Amy Roquist-Kodet
- Pleasurable Activities: A curated list of pleasurable activities broken into six categories by HR Work-Life
- External Resource: Anne Lamott books and TED Talk
- Podcast: “Unlocking Us” with Brene Brown
- Podcast: “The Overwhelmed Brain”
- Podcast: “Hey Girl” with Bethany Needham
- TED Talk: “The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion” by Dr. Kristin Neff
- Free Meditation App: Insight Timer
Playlist: A Wildly Resilient Playlist
- Email us at healthandwellness@uky.edu with your song suggestions
- Grit: Angela Duckworth research, book, and TED Talk
- Upcoming Events: UK Human Resources calendar
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