How to support mental health and respond to concerns
We cannot understate how important our supervisors are to the university's accomplishments, including the successes and progress of our individual employees. We understand it’s a balancing act to meet your own work deadlines and manage your self-care while also showing your support for your team members. As a supervisor, you have many responsibilities and we're here to support you and your team.
That's why we've summarized the most important information about mental health that could be relevant to you as a supervisor. During these challenging times especially, we want to ensure you know a few key facts about mental health and how to refer employees who might need support.
Four facts to know
1. 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness.
This means mental health concerns are prevalent in the workplace too.
2. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.
In 2017, suicide resulted in one death every 11 minutes and it's a growing public health problem.
3. Suicide is the most preventable death and almost any positive action may save a life./thrive/03-01-2021/what-you-need-to-know-about-suicide-prevention
One of seven major myths about suicide is that once a person decides to attempt suicide nothing can stop them.
4. For UK employees, appointments with therapists are available at no cost.
This benefit is offered by our team of mental health therapists and it's one of many resources where you could refer employees.
Everyone benefits when each of us knows more about mental health. As a supervisor, this is especially true because you may find yourself in a position where you need to respond to an immediate concern or you might develop concern over time if you notice the employee isn't their usual self.
Resources to help you respond to immediate concerns
- Call 911 for emergencies including if the incident involves direct or indirect threats or actual violence toward university property or other people.
- If you're both on campus, ask them if you can walk them to the hospital.
- If there's a highly distressing incident or disruption in the workplace, you can call our therapists at 859-257-9355, Option 1 for direction and support.
5 steps to talking with an employee about your concern
Our therapists can consult with you on how to best support your employees in seeking assistance for their problems. To schedule a supervisor consultation email or call 859-257-WELL (9355), option 1.
What to do when you're concerned about changes in an employee's behavior or performance